The first human-made nuclear chain reaction.
- the main cost for the reactor was the graphite. Presumably they already had the uranium in hand?. Edit, no, it is because it was a specialized graphite: Video 2. "German graphite from The Genius Behind the Bomb (1992)", i.e. nuclear graphite. Edward Teller interview by Web of Stories (1996) Date shown at: Listener: John H. Nuckolls
Witnessing the test explosion Edward Teller interview by Web of Stories (1996)
Source. Edward Teller, An Early Time
. Source. Comissioned by the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1979. Producer: Mario Balibreraa.-; holy fuck he almost cut his foot off on a stupid tram accident!
- he plays the piano
- he drove Szilard to propose to Einstein the Einstein-Szilard letter
Founded partly due to the influence of Edward Teller who thought Los Alamos National Laboratory was not making good progress on thermonuclear weapons, large part of which was developed there.