This is true: high budget movies are shit. Just TV Trops can articular it infinitely better than Ciro Santilli can.
One of the first 1 million USD (zero artistic value) porn movie. And also a piece of shit! Hotter porn has been shot in kitchens around the world using iPhones.
IMDb entry:
Pop music cannot be good by definition: any art that appeals to the masses (Popular!) has to be a boring watered down version of everything, and therefore boring shit. Just like the movies: high budget movies are shit.
Until maybe one day we can actually get a decent education for everyone.
Things that can be understood are boring.
Aaron Swartz agrees: "Next week we'll explain Primer." He never did though :'-(
Also way too idealistic :Sliding scale of idealism vs. cynicism.
Also the good/evil is way too black and white.
If only everything was instead funny and charming and intelligent like the very first part in the Shire... that section and others interspersed withing the running are good film level.
Good theory of Jesus.
List of similar feeling films: 11 Underrated Hard Sci-fi Movies by Marvelous Videos (2021)