Movies that are very expensive to make tend to be bad, because they have to make returns and thus appeal to a large amorphous population without any specialization, i.e. the lowest common denominator but in TV Tropes terminology rather than mathematics:
Looking down the largest flops of all time list didn't help much, only Heaven's gate appears reasonable from the top 20.
Ah, Ciro Santilli was not expecting this. What a unique mixture of humour, technology, politics and bravery. No wonder it was a box flop, there's something good about this film.
Of course, this only made sense when Apple was more of an underdog to IBM, and Ciro Santilli greatly admires their defiance of the norm.
As of 2020 however, Apple is kind of on the top of the mobile world, and Think different simply makes no sense anymore, notably because it relies on closed source offline software used by millions.
it's Popular Now It Sucks comes to mind.
This is a trap every company that prides itself on it's "alternative culture" sets for itself. If they succeed, they could become the norm.
Take on Apple's Think different logo with Tux instead of the Apple logo
. In 2020, to think different, is to think open knowledge. Work by Ciro Santilli, based on Think different. 2011 Think mainstream
. Cropped from