Most of the videos are crap, but the following ones almost killed Ciro Santilli of laughter:
Rasputin vs Stalin by Epic Rap Battles of History (2013)
Source. See also: Python has a few precursors to the "random famous people mixed together compting" format, although not in the rap fight format:
Communist Quiz by Monty Python (1970)
Source. Has a Wiki page: Brings to mind: Video "Football, Football, Football by Mitchell and Webb".Philosophers' Football Match by Monty Python (1972)
Source. If you can understand the jokes, your philosophy level is pretty good. Like more than zero. Wiki page: Ciro loves how that page currently uses a standard footbal match template to describe the match!How Not To Be Seen by Monty Python
. Source. This sketch is based on actual military training films such as: Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
. Source. When a young Ciro Santilli played Worms Armageddon, he almost shat himself of laughter when he first threw a Holy Grenade. Little did he know it was actually a Monty Python reference.Black Knight scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
. Source. The Insulting Frenchman scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
. Source. Execution in Russia by Monty Python
. Source.