Open source Updated +Created
2019-04gnuplotWhy does plotting with point labels make plot generation extremely slow?
2019-04GDB DashboardLimit the size of shown arguments in the Stack display
2018-03QEMU2Test record and replay feature. Also here
2018-02pandocAdd option to produce AsciiDoc output without explicit heading ids
2017-10AndroidGLES3 content gles3jni from ndk examples fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: createContext failed: EGL_BAD_CONFIG"
2017-09Mozilla rrHow to automatically start replay and go directly to main instead of _start?
2017-09Mozilla rrReverse step over time(NULL) enters rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S and leads to "Cannot find bounds of current function"
2017-08xselWhy maximum 4000 characters output with xsel -b ?
2017-06BuildrootDon't print mutiline struct function arguments on stack when set pretty print on
2017-04GDB DashboardAdd style option to print stack arguments on a single line
2017-05BuildrootBuild fails with "unexpected EOF while looking for matching "'" if PATH contains a newline
2017-04GDB DashboardAdd style option to print stack arguments on a single line
2017-03clBLAS.s[0] + CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL
2017-01game-icons.netUse multiple separate paths, allow customizing the color of each component, and give a default color
2017-01game-icons.netdelapouite/originals/svg/brick-wall.svg has some whitespace on top
2017-01OpenAI Gymexamples/agents/ fails with "AttributeError: 'TimeLimit' object has no attribute 'viewer'"
2016-12Simple DirectMedia LayerAdd C variable printf debug snippets
2015-03tigAccepted feature.
2014-11Bootstrap Hover DropdownBug confirmed.
2014-11GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-11GitLabProblem with the display icons in the left block
2014-11sassBug confirmed.
2014-10GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-10GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-10GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-10Semaphore CIBug confirmed.
2014-10libgit2Bug confirmed.
2014-10GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-09vader.vimAccepted feature.
2014-09GitLabPoint already fixed.
2014-09vader.vimAccepted feature.
2014-09GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-09GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-09GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-09GitLabPoint already fixed.
2014-08markdownlint/markdownlintAccepted feature.
2014-08softcoverAccepted feature.
2014-08markdownlint/markdownlintAccepted feature.
2014-07GitLabBug confirmed.
2014-07GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-07GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-06GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-06GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-06karlcow/markdown-testsuiteBug confirmed.
2014-06plasticboy/vim-markdownClose issue.
2014-06plasticboy/vim-markdownReview patch.
2014-06plasticboy/vim-markdownReview and patch patch.
2014-05softcoverAccepted feature.
2014-04karlcow/markdown-testsuiteClose issue with better issues.
2014-03tigAccepted feature.
2014-03GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-03softcoverAccepted feature.
2014-03GitLabAdd useful information.
2014-03GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-03GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-03GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-02GitLabPoint duplicate.
2014-02GitLabAccepted feature.
2014-02OverleafFeature generated considerable interest.
2014-02GitLabPoint already fixed.
2014-02GitLabLink feature request to patch.
2013-10yakuakeBug confirmed.
2013-10okularBug confirmed.
2013-06krusaderBug confirmed.
2013-05NumPyBug confirmed + inner cause.
2012-05krusaderAccepted feature.
2012-05krusaderBug confirmed.
2012-05AutoKeyBug confirmed.
Farama Foundation Updated +Created
Not-for profit that took up OpenAI Gym maintenance after OpenAI dropped it.
Farama Gymnasium Updated +Created
OpenAI Gym development by OpenAI ceased in 2021, and the Farama Foundation not for profit took up maintenance of it.
gymnasium==1.1.1 just worked on Ubuntu 24.10 testing with the hello world gym/
sudo apt install swig
cd gym
virtualenv -p python3
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-python-3-12.txt
just works and opens a game window on my desktop.
Figure 1.
Lunar Lander environment of Farama Gymnasium with random controls
This example just passes random commands to the ship so don't expect wonders. The cool thing about it though is that you can open any environment with it e.g.
./ CarRacing-v3
To manually control it we can use gym/
cd gym
Manual control is extremely useful to get an intuition about the problem. You will notice immediately that controlling the ship is extremely difficult.
Figure 2.
Lunar Lander environment of Farama Gymnasium with manual control
We slow it down to 10 FPS to give us some fighting chance.
We don't know if it is realistic, but what is certain is that this is definitely not designed to be a fun video game!
  • the legs of the lander are short and soft, and you're not supposed to hit the body on ground, so you have to go very slow
  • the thrusters are quite weak and inertia management is super important
  • the ground is very slippery
A good strategy is to land anywhere very slowly and then inch yourself towards the landing pad.
The documentation for it is available at: The agent input is described as:
The state is an 8-dimensional vector: the coordinates of the lander in x & y, its linear velocities in x & y, its angle, its angular velocity, and two booleans that represent whether each leg is in contact with the ground or not.
so it is a fundamentally flawed robot training example as global x and y coordinates are precisely known.
Variation in the scenario comes from:
  • initial speed of vehicle
  • shape of lunar surface, but TODO can the ship observe the lunar surface shape in any way? If not, once again, this is a deeply flawed example.
The actions are documented at:
  • 0: do nothing
  • 1: fire left orientation engine
  • 2: fire main engine
  • 3: fire right orientation engine
so we can make it spin like mad counter clockwise with:
action = 1
To actually play the games manually with keyboard, you need to define your own keybindings with Feature request for default keybindings:
There is no C API, you have to go through Python: Shame.