Ciro Santilli's e-soulmates Updated +Created
Some other idealists that are a bit further out but with some similarities:
Ciro Santilli also things of those people as being part of his 108 Stars of Destiny troupe.
Ciro sometimes ponders why is it so hard to find people online that you truly love and admire. Maybe it is for similar reasons why it is also hard in the real world: the great variety of human interest, and the great limitation of our attention spans. But online, where we have access to "everyone", shouldn't it should be easier? Not naturally finding such people is perhaps one of the greatest failings of our education system. Updated +Created
Where Sylvain Poirier dumps his mathematics and physics brain.
Notably, given the domain name, it is clear that he likes formalization of mathematics-stuff, like Ciro Santilli.
At first glance, looks a bit dry though, not many examples.
Sylvain Poirier Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli feels a bit like this guy: so cute, he's looking for true love!!! This is something Ciro often thinks about: why it is so difficult to find love without looking people in the eye. The same applies to jobs to some extent. He has an Incel wiki page: :-)
Figure 1.
Sylvain's photo from his homepage.
Source. He's not ugly at all! Just a regular good looking French dude.
Video 1.
Why learn Physics by yourself by Sylvain Poirier (2013)
The best personal webpages of all time Updated +Created
These are basically technically minded people that Ciro Santilli feels have similar interests/psychology to him, and who write too much for their own good:
Maybe one day these will also be legendary, who knows:
Another category Ciro admires are the "computational physics visualization" people, these people will go to Heaven:
Institution led:
Other mentions:
  • lots of images of toys and gear with descriptions in Norwegian