This is OK, but definitely inferior to The Mystery of Matter overall because it is much more interesting to watch period reenactments than Jim Al-Khalili going places. But the latter also has its value.
Like all big names in science, she was at the right place at the right time and with the right interest and passion.
Notably, the man she married, Pierre Curie, happened to be a the world master at precisely the technique that she needed to carefully measure radioactivity: he had the most precise electrometers in the world, which allowed to detect small amounts of radioactivity via the ionization of air by radiation . These used piezoelectricity, which Pierre Curie co-discovered with his brother.
Marie Curie section of The Mystery of Matter episode 2
. Source. Fantastic illustration of Marie's life and work!- she specifically avoided X-ray research because she felt that there was too much competition in that area. TODO find a written reference about that and add it to Wikipedia.
Marie Curie c. 1920
. Source. Homepage:
Very good documentary! Explains things very well! Great acting and wardrobe too.
Particularly tasteful is their choice of native speaker actors who speak their native language for less important narration, and English with an accent for more important moments, in particular when talking solo to the camera.
The Mystery of Matter episode 1
. Source. The Mystery of Matter episode 2
. Source. Covers:The Mystery of Matter episode 3
. Source.