It's not a tree, it's actually a DAG Updated +Created
But not every directed acyclic graph is a tree.
Example of a tree (and therefore also a DAG):
4 7
| |
3 6
Convention in this presentation: arrows implicitly point up, just like in a git log, i.e.:
  • 1 is parent of 2
  • 2 is parent of 3 and 6
  • 3 is parent of 4
and so on.
Example of a DAG that is not a tree:
4 6
| |
3 5
This is not a tree because there are two ways to reach 7:
  • 2, 3, 4, 7
  • 2, 5, 6, 7
But we often say "tree" intead of "DAG" in the context of Git because DAG sounds ugly.
Example of a graph that is not a DAG:
^  |
|  v
This one is not acyclic because there is a cycle 2, 3, 4, 5, 2.
How to convert async to sync in JavaScript Updated +Created
God, it's impossible! You just have to convert the entire fucking call stack all the way up to async functions. It could mean refactoring hundreds of functions.
To be fair, there is a logic to this, if you put yourself within the crappiness of the JavaScript threading model. And Python is not that much better with its Global Interpreter Lock.
The problem is that async was introduced relatively late, previously we just had to use infinitely deep callback trees, which was worse:
myAsync().then(ret => myAsync2(ret).then(ret2 => myAsync3(re3)))
compared to the new infinitely more readable:
ret = await myAsync()
ret2 = await myAsync2(ret)
ret3 = await myAsync3(ret3)
But now we are in an endless period of transition between both worlds.
It is also worth mentioning that callbacks are still inescapable if you really want to fan out into a non-linear dependency graph, usually with Promise.all:
await Promise.all([
  myAsync(1).then(ret => myAsync2(ret)),
  myAsync(2).then(ret => myAsync2(ret)),
And then, after many many hours of this work, you might notice that the new code is way, way way slower than before, because making small functions async has a large performance impact: Real world case with a 4x slowdown:
Anyways, since you Googled here, you might as well learn the standard pattern to convert callbacks functions into async functions using a promise:
Figure 1.
async function Teletubbies meme
. Source. TODO find original source.
Phylogenetic tree Updated +Created
It is important to note that due to horizontal gene transfer, the early days of life, and still bacteria to this day due to bacterial conjugation, are actually a graph and not a tree, see also: Figure "Graph of life".
Definitely have a look at: coral of life representations.
Tree representation Updated +Created
This section is about ways in which you can represent a tree.
Trees are a specific type of graph, so any graph representation also provides a way to represent a tree.
Therefore this section will focus only on methods specific to tress, and which cannot be used for graphs in general.