Sylvain Poirier Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli feels a bit like this guy: so cute, he's looking for true love!!! This is something Ciro often thinks about: why it is so difficult to find love without looking people in the eye. The same applies to jobs to some extent. He has an Incel wiki page: :-)
Figure 1.
Sylvain's photo from his homepage.
Source. He's not ugly at all! Just a regular good looking French dude.
Video 1.
Why learn Physics by yourself by Sylvain Poirier (2013)
Xah Lee Updated +Created describes him well:
Outsider, formerly homeless, extreme person interested in CS and culture. Self-publishes a website with thousands of tutorial / opinion pages. Possibly similar to Sam Sloan - extremely productive, wide interests, obsessive, and pretty disagreeable.
Homepage says:
Siphon my knowledge into your brain. Assimilate my sensibilities to your spine.
Nice Second brain vibe.
Figure 1.
Xah Lee with some weird statuettes of himself
. Source. 2019.
Let's see: