gives a syllabus:
- Heat capacity in solids, localised harmonic oscillator models (Dulong-Petit law and Einstein model)
- Heat capacity in solids, a model of sound waves (Debye model)
- A gas of classical charged particles (Drude theory)
- A gas of charged fermions (Sommerfeld theory)
- Bonding
- Microscopic theory of vibrations: the 1D monatomic harmonic chain. Mike Glazer's Chainplot program.
- Microscopic theory of vibrations: the 1D diatomic harmonic chain
- Microscopic theory of electrons in solids: the 1D tight-binding chain
- Geometry of solids: crystal structure in real space. VESTA, 3D visualization program for structural models; an example crystal structure database.
- Geometry of solids: real space and reciprocal space. Reciprocal Space teaching and learning package.
- Reciprocal space and scattering. A fun way to discover the world of crystals and their symmetries through diffraction.
- Scattering experiments II
- Scattering experiments III
- Waves in reciprocal space
- Nearly-free electron model
- Band structure and optical properties
- Dynamics of electrons in bands
- Semiconductor devices. Intel's "A History of Innovation"; Moore's Law; From Sand to Circuits.
- Magnetic properties of atoms
- Collective magnetism. A micromagnetic simulation tool, The Object Oriented MicroMagnetic Framework (OOMMF); OOMMF movies of magnetic domains and domain reversal.
- Mean field theory
Problem set dated 2015: Marked by: A. Ardavan and T. Hesjedal. Some more stuff under:
The book is the fully commercial The Oxford Solid State Basics.
- it wasn't paywalled in the past up to 2017, but later became. Bastards.
- gives the 2016 structure:
- Crystal Structure & Dynamics 10 lectures Dr Roger Johnston
- Band Theory 10 lectures Prof Michael Johnston
- Magnetism 7 lectures Prof Radu Coldea
- Optical Properties 6 lectures Prof Laura Herz
- Superconductivity 7 lectures Dr Peter Leek and Dr Amalia Coldea.
Quantum matter physics course of the University of Oxford Updated 2025-03-28 +Created 1970-01-01
2011- professor: Steven H. Simon. His start date is given e.g. at: which is presumably an older version of:
Notes/book: Marked as being for Oxford MMathPhys, so it appears that this is a 4th year course normally. TODO but where is it listed under the course list of MMapthPhys?
Course page index: mentions it is given in Hilary term
2023 syllabus as per
- Fermi Liquids
- Weakly Interacting Fermions
- Perturbation Theory
- Hartree-Fock method
- Effective Mass
- Response Functions and Screening
- Thomas Fermi
- Plasmons
- Landau Fermi Liquid Theory
- Weakly Interacting Fermions
- Superfluidity
- Two Fluid Model and Quantized Circulation
- Landau Criterion for Superfluidity
- Two Fluid Model for Superconductors
- London Theory
- Flux Vortices
- Type I and Type II superconductors
- Microscopic Superfluidity
- Coherent States
- Bose Condensation
- Gross Pitaevskii Equation
- Off Diagonal Long Range Order
- Feynman Theory of Superfluidity (in book, but will skip in lectures. Not examinable)
- Ginzburg Landau Theory of Superfluids
- Neutral Superfluids
- Charged Superfluids
- Anderson - Higgs Mechanism
- Rederviation of London Equations
- Ginzburg - Landau Parameter and Type I/II revisited
- Vortex Structure
- BCS Theory of Superconductors
- Phonons
- The Cooper Problem
- BCS wavefunction
- Bogoliubov Excitation Spectrum
- Majorana Physics