Are there infinitely many Mersenne primes? Updated +Created
Super Mario 64 A press challenge Updated +Created
Video 1.
Video outlining the 18 unique A presses missing for 120-stars at the time. This was superseded later. with many other discoveries.
Source. The 23 Remaining A Presses by Pannenkoek2012 (2018)
Video 2.
Watch for Rolling Rocks 0.5x A Presses by Pannenkoek2012 (2016)
Source. This is one of the most elaborate explained videos.
Twin prime conjecture Updated +Created
Let's show them how it's done with primes + awk. Edit. They have a -d option which also shows gaps!!! Too strong:
sudo apt install bsdgames
primes -d 1 100 | awk '/\(2\)/{print $1 - 2, $1 }'
gives us the list of all twin primes up to 100:
0 2
3 5
5 7
11 13
17 19
29 31
41 43
59 61
71 73
Tested on Ubuntu 22.10.