Ramanujan's lost notebook 1970-01-01
Ramanujan–Soldner constant 1970-01-01
Dialling (mathematics) 1970-01-01
Eudemus of Rhodes 1970-01-01
Existential graph 1970-01-01
French mathematical seminars 1970-01-01
Fundamentum Astronomiae 1970-01-01
Gaṇita-sāra-saṅgraha 1970-01-01
List of Runge–Kutta methods 1970-01-01
Lwów School of Mathematics 1970-01-01
Scottish Book 1970-01-01
Scottish Café 1970-01-01
Sheaf of planes 1970-01-01
Warsaw School (mathematics) 1970-01-01
Hindu units of time 1970-01-01
Jargonness 1970-01-01
Classification of low-dimensional real Lie algebras 1970-01-01
Sphuṭacandrāpti 1970-01-01
Taylor diagram 1970-01-01
Källén function 1970-01-01