Contraction morphism 1970-01-01
Correspondence (algebraic geometry) 1970-01-01
Cotangent sheaf 1970-01-01
Cox ring 1970-01-01
Cramer's paradox 1970-01-01
Degeneration (algebraic geometry) 1970-01-01
Deligne–Mumford stack 1970-01-01
Derived stack 1970-01-01
Derived tensor product 1970-01-01
Determinantal variety 1970-01-01
Differential of the first kind 1970-01-01
Dimension of a scheme 1970-01-01
Discrepancy (algebraic geometry) 1970-01-01
Distribution on a linear algebraic group 1970-01-01
Divisorial scheme 1970-01-01
Donaldson–Thomas theory 1970-01-01
Drinfeld module 1970-01-01
Du Bois singularity 1970-01-01
Geometric class field theory 1970-01-01
Group functor 1970-01-01