Orders of magnitude (current) 1970-01-01
Orders of magnitude (data) 1970-01-01
Orders of magnitude (energy) 1970-01-01
Pseudoprotease 1970-01-01
PstI 1970-01-01
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis 1970-01-01
Putative gene 1970-01-01
Pyrophosphate 1970-01-01
Pyrosequencing 1970-01-01
RAN translation 1970-01-01
Recombinant DNA 1970-01-01
Recombinase 1970-01-01
Recombinase polymerase amplification 1970-01-01
Recombination detection program 1970-01-01
R.EcoRII 1970-01-01
Relative fluorescence units 1970-01-01
Relaxase 1970-01-01
Relaxosome 1970-01-01
Replica plating 1970-01-01
Reporter gene 1970-01-01