Pauling's principle of electroneutrality 1970-01-01
Sylver coinage 1970-01-01
Planarity testing 1970-01-01
Polyvalency (chemistry) 1970-01-01
Three-center four-electron bond 1970-01-01
Three-center two-electron bond 1970-01-01
Electric and magnetic fields in matter 1970-01-01
Tolman's rule 1970-01-01
Ars Combinatoria (journal) 1970-01-01
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 1970-01-01
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1970-01-01
Generator (circuit theory) 1970-01-01
Pyramidal alkene 1970-01-01
Radio coloring 1970-01-01
Starlight Information Visualization System 1970-01-01
Gyula O. H. Katona 1970-01-01
Gyula Y. Katona 1970-01-01
Visual analytics 1970-01-01
Henry Crapo (mathematician) 1970-01-01
Henry W. Gould 1970-01-01