Bin packing problem 1970-01-01
Bland's rule 1970-01-01
Branch and bound 1970-01-01
Branch and cut 1970-01-01
Branch and price 1970-01-01
Bregman Lagrangian 1970-01-01
Bregman method 1970-01-01
Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm 1970-01-01
CMA-ES 1970-01-01
Chambolle-Pock algorithm 1970-01-01
Column generation 1970-01-01
Constructive heuristic 1970-01-01
Crew scheduling 1970-01-01
Cross-entropy method 1970-01-01
Cunningham's rule 1970-01-01
Cutting-plane method 1970-01-01
DATADVANCE 1970-01-01
Davidon–Fletcher–Powell formula 1970-01-01
Derivative-free optimization 1970-01-01
Destination dispatch 1970-01-01