Compound of four hexagonal prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of four octahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of four octahedra with rotational freedom 1970-01-01
Compound of four triangular prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of six cubes 1970-01-01
Compound of six cubes with rotational freedom 1970-01-01
Compound of six decagonal prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of six decagrammic prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of six octahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of six pentagonal prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of six pentagrammic prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of six tetrahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of six tetrahedra with rotational freedom 1970-01-01
Compound of ten hexagonal prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of ten octahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of ten tetrahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of ten triangular prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of ten truncated tetrahedra 1970-01-01