Compound of three tetrahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of twelve pentagonal prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of twelve pentagrammic prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of twenty octahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of twenty octahedra with rotational freedom 1970-01-01
Compound of twenty tetrahemihexahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of twenty triangular prisms 1970-01-01
Compound of two great dodecahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two great icosahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two great inverted snub icosidodecahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two great retrosnub icosidodecahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two great snub icosidodecahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two icosahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two inverted snub dodecadodecahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two small stellated dodecahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two snub cubes 1970-01-01
Compound of two snub dodecadodecahedra 1970-01-01
Compound of two snub dodecahedra 1970-01-01