Minimalism (computing) 1970-01-01
Open–closed principle 1970-01-01
Planning poker 1970-01-01
Release early, release often 1970-01-01
Rule of least power 1970-01-01
Scaled agile framework 1970-01-01
Scrum (software development) 1970-01-01
Secure by design 1970-01-01
Specification by example 1970-01-01
Test-driven development 1970-01-01
The Cathedral and the Bazaar 1970-01-01
The Magic Cauldron (essay) 1970-01-01
Transformation Priority Premise 1970-01-01
Unix philosophy 1970-01-01
Waterfall model 1970-01-01
Worse is better 1970-01-01
Write once, compile anywhere 1970-01-01
You aren't gonna need it 1970-01-01