About the brand: Raspberry Pi
With pre-soldered male pin headers.
>>> machine.unique_id()
As of 2018-12, I believe that I might have fried the UART on this board when I burnt my last UART to USB converter by connecting ground to 5V.
Linux kernel logs don't show, but do show with the exact same components on the Pi 3 (SD card with enable_uart=1 + image Raspbian Lite 2018-11-03 and UART cables).
Serial from cat /proc/cpuinfo: 00000000a50c1f69
Datasheets: Raspberry Pi 2.
Linux on SSH and bare metal blinker both work on this board, so the rest of the board seems alive.
Serial from cat /proc/cpuinfo: 00000000c77ddb77
Datasheets: Raspberry Pi 3.

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