60,000 28x28 grayscale images of hand-written digits 0-9, i.e. 10 categories.
This is THE "OG" computer vision dataset.
Playing with it is the de-facto computer vision hello world.
But it is important to note that as of the 2010's, the benchmark had become too easy for many application.
The dataset can be downloaded from yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/:but doing so is kind of pointless as both files use some crazy single-file custom binary format to store all images and labels. OMG!
wget \
http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz \
http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz \
http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz \
OK-ish data explorer: knowyourdata-tfds.withgoogle.com/#tab=STATS&dataset=mnist
Same style as MNIST, but with clothes. Designed to be much harder, and more representative of modern applications, while still retaining the low resolution of MNIST for simplicity of training.
60,000 32x32 color images in 10 different classes: airplanes, cars, birds, cats, deer, dogs, frogs, horses, ships, and trucks.
TODO release date.
This dataset can be thought of as an intermediate between the simplicity of MNIST, and a more full blown ImageNet.
TODO where to find it: www.kaggle.com/general/50987
Cited on original Generative adversarial network paper: proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2014/file/5ca3e9b122f61f8f06494c97b1afccf3-Paper.pdf
14 million images, more than 20k categories, typically denoting prominent objects in the image, either common daily objects, or a wild range of animals. About 1 million of them also have bounding boxes for the objects.
Each image appears to have a single label associated to it. Care must have been taken somehow with categories, since some images contain severl possible objects, e.g. a person and some object.
In practice however, the ILSVRC subset is more commonly used.
Official project page: www.image-net.org/
The data license is restrictive and forbids commercial usage: www.image-net.org/download.php.
The categories are all part of WordNet, which means that there are several parent/child categories such as dog vs type of dog available. ImageNet1k only appears to have leaf nodes however (i.e. no "dog" label, just specific types of dog).
Subset generators:
- github.com/mf1024/ImageNet-datasets-downloader generates on download, very good. As per github.com/mf1024/ImageNet-Datasets-Downloader/issues/14 counts go over the limit due to bad multithreading. Also unfortunately it does not start with a subset of 1k.
- github.com/BenediktAlkin/ImageNetSubsetGenerator
Unfortunately, since ImageNet is a closed standard no one can upload such pre-made subsets, forcing everybody to download the full dataset, in ImageNet1k, which is huge!
An imagenet10 subset by fast.ai.
Size of full sized image version: 1.5 GB.
Subset of ImageNet. About 167.62 GB in size according to www.kaggle.com/competitions/imagenet-object-localization-challenge/data.
Contains 1,281,167 images and exactly 1k categories which is why this dataset is also known as ImageNet1k: datascience.stackexchange.com/questions/47458/what-is-the-difference-between-imagenet-and-imagenet1k-how-to-download-it
www.kaggle.com/competitions/imagenet-object-localization-challenge/overview clarifies a bit further how the categories are inter-related according to WordNet relationships:
The 1000 object categories contain both internal nodes and leaf nodes of ImageNet, but do not overlap with each other.
image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/browse-synsets.php lists all 1k labels with their WordNet IDs.There is a bug on that page however towards the middle:and there is one missing label if we ignore that dummy
n02119789: kit fox, Vulpes macrotis
n02100735: English setter
n02096294: Australian terrier
n03255030: dumbbell
n02102040: English springer, English springer spaniel
line. A thinkg of beauty!Also the lines are not sorted by synset, if we do then the first three lines are:
n01440764: tench, Tinca tinca
n01443537: goldfish, Carassius auratus
n01484850: great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias
gist.github.com/aaronpolhamus/964a4411c0906315deb9f4a3723aac57 has lines of type:therefore numbered on the exact same order as image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/browse-synsets.php
n02119789 1 kit_fox
n02100735 2 English_setter
n02110185 3 Siberian_husky
gist.github.com/yrevar/942d3a0ac09ec9e5eb3a lists all 1k labels as a plaintext file with their benchmark IDs.therefore numbered on sorted order of image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/browse-synsets.php
{0: 'tench, Tinca tinca',
1: 'goldfish, Carassius auratus',
2: 'great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias',
The official line numbering in-benchmark-data can be seen at
, e.g. www.kaggle.com/competitions/imagenet-object-localization-challenge/data?select=LOC_synset_mapping.txtn01440764 tench, Tinca tinca
n01443537 goldfish, Carassius auratus
n01484850 great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias
huggingface.co/datasets/imagenet-1k also has some useful metrics on the split:
- train: 1,281,167 images, 145.7 GB zipped
- validation: 50,000 images, 6.67 GB zipped
- test: 100,000 images, 13.5 GB zipped
The official page: www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/index.php points to a download link on Kaggle: www.kaggle.com/competitions/imagenet-object-localization-challenge/data Kaggle says that the size is 167.62 GB!
To download from Kaggle, create an API token on kaggle.com, which downloads a The download speed is wildly server/limited and take A LOT of hours. Also, the tool does not seem able to pick up where you stopped last time.
file then:mkdir -p ~/.kaggle
mv ~/down/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle
python3 -m pip install kaggle
kaggle competitions download -c imagenet-object-localization-challenge
Another download location appears to be: huggingface.co/datasets/imagenet-1k on Hugging Face, but you have to login due to their license terms. Once you login you have a very basic data explorer available: huggingface.co/datasets/imagenet-1k/viewer/default/train.
From cocodataset.org/:
- 330K images (>200K labeled)
- 1.5 million object instances
- 80 object categories
- 91 stuff categories
- 5 captions per image. A caption is a short textual description of the image.
So they have relatively few object labels, but their focus seems to be putting a bunch of objects on the same image. E.g. they have 13 cat plus pizza photos. Searching for such weird combinations is kind of fun.
Their official dataset explorer is actually good: cocodataset.org/#explore
And the objects don't just have bounding boxes, but detailed polygons.
Also, images have captions describing the relation between objects:Epic.
a black and white cat standing on a table next to a pizza.
This dataset is kind of cool.
This is the one used on MLperf v2.1 ResNet, likely one of the most popular choices out there.
2017 challenge subset:
- train: 118k images, 18GB
- validation: 5k images, 1GB
- test: 41k images, 6GB
TODO vs COCO dataset.
As of v7:
- ~9M images
- 600 object classes
- bounding boxes
- visual relatoinships are really hard: storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/factsfigures_v7.html#visual-relationships e.g. "person kicking ball": storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/visualizer/index.html?type=relationships&set=train&c=kick
- google.github.io/localized-narratives/ localized narratives is ludicrous, you can actually hear the (Indian women mostly) annotators describing the image while hovering their mouses to point what they are talking about). They are clearly bored out of their minds the poor people!
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