NumPy does not automatically use the GPU for it:, and PyTorch is one of the most notable compatible implementations, as it uses the same memory structure as NumPy arrays.
Sample runs on P51 to observe the GPU speedup:
$ time ./ g 10000 1000 10000 100
real    0m22.980s
user    0m22.679s
sys     0m1.129s
$ time ./ c 10000 1000 10000 100
real    1m9.924s
user    4m16.213s
sys     0m17.293s


Contains several computer vision models, e.g. ResNet, all of them including pre-trained versions on some dataset, which is quite sweet. has a minimal runnable example adapted to python/pytorch/
That example uses a ResNet pre-trained on the COCO dataset to do some inference, tested on Ubuntu 22.10:
cd python/pytorch
wget -O resnet_demo_in.jpg
./ resnet_demo_in.jpg resnet_demo_out.jpg
This first downloads the model, which is currently 167 MB.
We know it is COCO because of the docs: which explains that
is an alias for:
The runtime is relatively slow on P51, about 4.7s.
After it finishes, the program prints the recognized classes:
['bird', 'banana']
so we get the expected bird, but also the more intriguing banana.
By looking at the output image with bounding boxes, we understand where the banana came from!
Figure 1.
. Source.
Figure 2.
. The beak was of course a banana, not a beak!

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