Some courses at least allow you to see material for free, e.g.: Lots of video focus as usual for MOOCs.
Some are paywalled:
It is extremely hard to find the course materials without enrolling, even if enrolling for free! By trying to make money, they make their website shit.
The comment section does have a lot of activity:! Nice. And works like a proper issue tracker. But it is also very hidden.
November 2023 topics:
- quantum field theory: no
- condensed matter: 1 by Rahul Nandkishore from Colorado Boulder:
Harvard University + MIT combo.
As of 2022:Fuck that.
- can't see course material before start date. Once archived, you can see it but requires login...
- on free mode, limited course access
Also, they have an ICP.
November 2023 course search:
- Condensed matter: 4 hits, so not too bad
- quantum field theory: no hits
By the Open University. "Open" I mean.
Some/all courses expire in 4 weeks: Ludicrous.
My online university and why it is needed interview with Jordan Peterson (2018)
Source. Cheaper and online. Initial focus on social sciences.Kudos for being a not-for-profit. Also, anyone can create content: e-learning websites must allow students to create learning content. Oh, but TODO is possible for anyone to make content publicly visible? Course join links lik: require login. If that's the case, it is a fatal flaw not shared by
Another cool aspect is that they have the "physical world teacher pull student accounts in" approach built-in quite well at course creation. This is a very good feature.
As of 2021 they were a bit struggling for money it seems:
Like Jimmy Wales, he used to work in finance and then quit. What is it with those successful e-learning people??
These people have good intentions.
The problem is that they don't manage to go critical because there's to way for students to create content, everything is manually curated.
You can't even publicly comment on the textbooks. Or at least Ciro Santilli hasn't found a way to do so. There is just a "submit suggestion" box.
This massive lost opportunity is even shown graphically at: (archive) where there is a clear separation between:Maybe this wasn't the case in their legacy website,, but not sure, and they are retiring that now.
- "authors", who can create content
- "students", who can consume content
Thus, License: CC BY! So we could re-use their stuff!
By Rice University.
TODO what are the books written in?
- Uses Wagtail CMS. So presumaby they just Wagtail's WYSIWYG.
It is a shame that they refocused to more applied courses. This also highlights their highly "managed" approach to content creation. Their 2022 pitch on front page says it all:they are focused on the highly paid character of many software engineering jobs.
for as few as 10 hours a week, you can get the in-demand skills you need to help land a high-paying tech job
But one cool point of this website is how they hire tutors to help on the courses. This is a very good thing. It is a fair way of monetizing: e-learning websites must keep content free, only charge for certification.
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