This should come as no surprise, as to be come successful, you have to do something different than the masses, and often take irrational risks that make you worse off on average.
Some mentions:
- in episode 5 "The Partner" of The Playlist, an awesome 20222 Netflix series about the history of Spotify, a hypothetical Peter Thiel diagnozes Spotify co-founder Martin Lorentzon with ADHD, and mentions that a large number of rich people are neurodiverse, 30% in the tech industry as opposed to 5% in the general population is a fantastic ansewr by Justine Musk, Elon Musk's ex-fife, to the question:One of her key thesis is Many successful people are neurodiverse:
How can I be as great as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or Sir Richard Branson?
These people tend to be freaks and misfits who were forced to experience the world in an unusually challenging way. They developed strategies to survive, and as they grow older they find ways to apply these strategies to other things, and create for themselves a distinct and powerful advantage. They don't think the way other people think. They see things from angles that unlock new ideas and insights. Other people consider them to be somewhat insane.
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