Video 1.
Introduction to Spintronics by Aurélien Manchon (2020)
. Source.
Basic component in spintronics, used in both giant magnetoresistance
Video 1.
What is spintronics and how is it useful? by SciToons (2019)
. Source. Gives a good 1 minute explanation of tunnel magnetoresistance.
Video 1.
Introduction to Spintronics by Aurélien Manchon (2020) giant magnetoresistance section
. Source.
Describes how giant magnetoresistance was used in magnetoresistive disk heads in the 90's providing a huge improvement in disk storage density over the pre-existing inductive sensors
Video 1.
Introduction to Spintronics by Aurélien Manchon (2020) spin-transfer torque section
. Source.
Describes how how spin-transfer torque was used in magnetoresistive RAM

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