Video 1. Introduction to Spintronics by Aurélien Manchon (2020) Source.
Basic component in spintronics, used in both giant magnetoresistance
Video 1. What is spintronics and how is it useful? by SciToons (2019) Source. Gives a good 1 minute explanation of tunnel magnetoresistance.
Video 1. Introduction to Spintronics by Aurélien Manchon (2020) giant magnetoresistance section. Source.
Describes how giant magnetoresistance was used in magnetoresistive disk heads in the 90's providing a huge improvement in disk storage density over the pre-existing inductive sensors
Video 1. Introduction to Spintronics by Aurélien Manchon (2020) spin-transfer torque section. Source.
Describes how how spin-transfer torque was used in magnetoresistive RAM