On Ubuntu 20.10, just:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "subtitles=subtitle.srt" output.mp4
To change font size: stackoverflow.com/questions/21363334/how-to-add-font-size-in-subtitles-in-ffmpeg-video-filterThe default appears to be 24, so just multiply that by whatever seems like a reasonable factor.
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "subtitles=subtitle.srt:force_style='Fontsize=64'" output.mp4
Note howver that .ass subtitle files can contain style information, which ffmpeg respects. Aegisub can produce and preview such styles, making .ass one of the best options.
Written in C#.
This worked well on 3.2.2 Ubuntu 20.10. Recommended.
First import video with:They don't have an
aegisub-3.2 ourbigbook-parent.mkv
executable without the version number. Amazing.If you already have a subtitle file that you want to edit, then just pass it on as well:
aegisub-3.2 ourbigbook-parent.mkv ourbigbook-parent.ass
Ctrl + P: play and pause video.
Ctrl + 3: set current substitle start time.
Ctrl + 4: set current substitle end time.
Enter: finish editing the current entry and start a new one.
Good shortcuts and user experience.
No waveform viewer: github.com/otsaloma/gaupol/issues/49 so unusable.
Not to be confused with Subtitle Edit.
As of 0.54.0 this feels featureful, but extremely buggy or lacking UI obvious enhancements that would be simple to implement, and offer huge value:
- fundamental not defined out of box, e.g. Tiny forward/backwards. You can define them yourself, but they should be provided.
- github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/issues/4976 can't export SubRip?
- can't interact with video on waveform?
It is hard to understand how that project reached this weird featureful but crappy state. Feels like they just gave push permission to a bunch of random people.
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