Looks interesting.
It seems to abstract the part about the client messaging the backend, which focuses on being able to easily plug in a number of Front-end web framework to manage client state.
Has the "main web API is the same as the REST API" focus, which is fundamental 2020-nowadays.
Uses Socket.IO, which allows the client Javascript to register callbacks when data is updated to achieve Socket.IO, e.g. their default chat app does:so that message appear immediately as they are sent.
client.service('messages').on('created', addMessage);
Their standard template from which looks promising! They don't have a default template for a Front-end web framework however unfortunately: docs.feathersjs.com/guides/frameworks.html#the-feathers-chat lists a few chat app versions, which is their hello world:But it is in itself a completely boring app with a single splash page, and no database interaction, so not a good showcase. The actual showcase app is feathersjs/feathers-chat.
feathers generate app
on @feathersjs/cli@4.5.0
includes:- several authentication methods, including OAuth
- testing
- backend database with one of several object-relational mapping! However, they don't abstract across them. E.g., the default Chat example uses NeDB, but a real app will likely use Sequelize, and a port is needed
- Front-end web framework: not built-in on generator, but there are some sample repos pointed from the documentation, and they did work out-of-box:
And there is no official example of the chat app that is immediately deployable to Heroku: FeathersJS Heroku deployment, all setups require thinking.
Global source entry point: determine on
as usual, defaults to src/index.js
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