ID: gothinkster-realworld
Ciro Santilli's implementation: node Express Sequelize Next.js realworld example app.
Ahh, you can't have new ideas anymore!
Basically puts together every backend with Front-end web framework to create the exact same website.
The reference live demo can be found at: It is based on Angular.js as it links to: TODO backend?
There are however also live demos of other frontends, e.g.:Note that all those frontends communicate with the same backend.
- React: But note that tag addition at post creation is broken there as of March 2021, but not on master: so they forgot to update the live server.
- Vue.js:
As of 2021 Devs are seemed a bit too focused on monetizing the project through their "how to use this project" premium tutorial, and documentation could be better: just getting the hello world of the most popular backend with the most popular frontend is not easy... come on. asks for community support, as devs have moved on since unfortunately.
- by default, the frontends hardcode the upstream public data API:
so you have to hack their code to match the port of the backend. And each backend can have a different port. - when you switch between backends, you must first manually clear client-side storage cookies/local new run will fail due to authentication issues!
Important missing things from the minimum base app:
- server-side rendering:
- As advertised, that global instance does render with JavaScript disabled! Proposed for upstream at:
- no javaScript bi-directional communication library built-in... come on:
- email notifications however as tested on the live demo:
- error handling is broken/missing/inconsistent across apps
First you should the most popular backend/frontend combination running, which is the most likely to be working. We managed to run on Ubuntu 20.10, React + Node.js Express.js as described at just:on both server and client, and then visit the client URL: localhost:4100/
- which has a simple patch on top of for MongoDB 4 supportThis requires you to first install MongoDB on Ubuntu and ensure you can login to it from the command line.
- patched to use the correct server host/port
:diff --git a/src/agent.js b/src/agent.js index adfbd72..e3cdc7f 100644 --- a/src/agent.js +++ b/src/agent.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import _superagent from 'superagent'; const superagent = superagentPromise(_superagent, global.Promise); -const API_ROOT = ''; +const API_ROOT = 'http://localhost:3030/api'; const encode = encodeURIComponent; const responseBody = res => res.body;
npm install
npm start
You have to hit the Enter key to add tags, it's terrible:
One cool thing is that the main repo has unified backend API tests:so the per-repository tests are basically useless, and that single test can test everything for any backend! There is no frontend testing however: so newb.
git clone
cd realworld
git checkout e7adc6b06b459e578d7d4a6738c1c050598ba431
cd api
APIURL=http://localhost:3000/api USERNAME="u$(date +%s)" ./
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