Node.js standard library Updated +Created
Express.js Updated +Created
This doesn't do a hole lot. Ciro Santilli wouldn't really call it a web framework. It's more like a middleware. Real web frameworks are built on top of it.
Examples under: nodejs/express:
  • nodejs/express/min.js: minimal example. Visit localhost:3000 and it shows hello world. It is a bit wrong because the headers say HTML but we return plaintext.
  • nodejs/express/index.js: example dump with automated tests where possible. The automated tests are run at startup after the server launches. Then the server keeps running so you can interact with it.
A live example on Heroku can be seen at:
FeathersJS Updated +Created
Looks interesting.
It seems to abstract the part about the client messaging the backend, which focuses on being able to easily plug in a number of Front-end web framework to manage client state.
Has the "main web API is the same as the REST API" focus, which is fundamental 2020-nowadays.
Uses Socket.IO, which allows the client Javascript to register callbacks when data is updated to achieve Socket.IO, e.g. their default chat app does:
client.service('messages').on('created', addMessage);
so that message appear immediately as they are sent.
Their standard template from feathers generate app on @feathersjs/cli@4.5.0 includes:
  • several authentication methods, including OAuth
  • testing
  • backend database with one of several object-relational mapping! However, they don't abstract across them. E.g., the default Chat example uses NeDB, but a real app will likely use Sequelize, and a port is needed
which looks promising! They don't have a default template for a Front-end web framework however unfortunately: lists a few chat app versions, which is their hello world:
But it is in itself a completely boring app with a single splash page, and no database interaction, so not a good showcase. The actual showcase app is feathersjs/feathers-chat.
And there is no official example of the chat app that is immediately deployable to Heroku: FeathersJS Heroku deployment, all setups require thinking.
Global source entry point: determine on package.json as usual, defaults to src/index.js.
Meteor (web framework) Updated +Created
The idea is cool. It really unifies front-and back end.
But Ciro Santilli feels the approach proposed by FeathersJS of being a glue between bigger third-party Front-end web frameworks like React and backend (object-relational mapping) is more promising and flexible.
LK-99 Updated +Created
bkill all jobs Updated +Created
By the current user:
bkill 0
M. genitalium whole cell model by Covert lab Updated +Created awesome visualization of simtk, paper: A Whole-Cell Computational Model Predicts Phenotype from Genotype - 2013 - Jonathan R. Karr.
ARTIQ Updated +Created
M. mycoides JCVI strain Updated +Created A Journey to the Center of Our Cells (2022) by James Somers comments on M. genitalium in general, and in particular on the JCVI strains.
Dan Jewett Updated +Created
MacKenzie Bezos' new husband after she divorced Bezos.
Science teacher at the Lakeside School in Seattle.
Divorce of Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos Updated +Created
MacKenzie Bezos went on to marry a science teacher who taught their children.
The contrast with Bezos's girlfriend is simply comical. MacKenzie married the idealistic morally upright science teacher, while Bezos went for a silly sex bomb. Ah, bruta flor, do querer!
SuperTuxKart Updated +Created
It is a shame, but this game just doesn't feel good. The controls are just not as snappy as Mario Kart 64, the levels are too wide which limits player interaction, and the weapons feel clumsy weak and unexciting. These are all aspects that the closed source gets pretty well.
MicroPython Updated +Created
It is interpreted. It actually implements a Python (-like ?) interpreter that can run on a microcontroller. See e.g.: Compile MicroPython code for Micro Bit locally.
As a result, it is both very convenient, as it does not require a C toolchain to build for, but also very slow and produces larger images.
MLperf v2.1 ResNet Updated +Created
Ubuntu 22.10 setup with tiny dummy manually generated ImageNet and run on ONNX:
sudo apt install pybind11-dev

git clone
cd inference
git checkout v2.1

virtualenv -p python3 .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install numpy==1.24.2 pycocotools==2.0.6 onnxruntime==1.14.1 opencv-python== torch==1.13.1

cd loadgen
CFLAGS="-std=c++14" python develop
cd -

cd vision/classification_and_detection
python develop
wget -q
export MODEL_DIR="$(pwd)"
export EXTRA_OPS='--time 10 --max-latency 0.2'

DATA_DIR="$(pwd)/fake_imagenet" ./ onnxruntime mobilenet cpu --accuracy
Last line of output on P51, which appears to contain the benchmark results
TestScenario.SingleStream qps=58.85, mean=0.0138, time=0.136, acc=62.500%, queries=8, tiles=50.0:0.0129,80.0:0.0137,90.0:0.0155,95.0:0.0171,99.0:0.0184,99.9:0.0187
where presumably qps means queries per second, and is the main results we are interested in, the more the better.
produces a tiny ImageNet subset with 8 images under fake_imagenet/.
fake_imagenet/val_map.txt contains:
val/800px-Porsche_991_silver_IAA.jpg 817
val/512px-Cacatua_moluccensis_-Cincinnati_Zoo-8a.jpg 89
val/800px-Sardinian_Warbler.jpg 13
val/800px-7weeks_old.JPG 207
val/800px-20180630_Tesla_Model_S_70D_2015_midnight_blue_left_front.jpg 817
val/800px-Welsh_Springer_Spaniel.jpg 156
val/800px-Jammlich_crop.jpg 233
val/782px-Pumiforme.JPG 285
where the numbers are the category indices from ImageNet1k. At see e.g.:
  • 817: 'sports car, sport car',
  • 89: 'sulphur-crested cockatoo, Kakatoe galerita, Cacatua galerita',
and so on, so they are coherent with the image names. By quickly looking at the script we see that it just downloads from Wikimedia and manually creates the file.
TODO prepare and test on the actual ImageNet validation set, README says:
Prepare the imagenet dataset to come.
Since that one is undocumented, let's try the COCO dataset instead, which uses COCO 2017 and is also a bit smaller. Note that his is not part of MLperf anymore since v2.1, only ImageNet and open images are used. But still:
export DATA_DIR="${DATADIR_BASE}/val2017-300"
mkdir -p "$DATA_DIR_BASE"
mv annotations val2017
cd -
cd "$(git-toplevel)"
python tools/upscale_coco/ --inputs "$DATA_DIR_BASE" --outputs "$DATA_DIR" --size 300 300 --format png
cd -
./ onnxruntime mobilenet cpu --accuracy
fails immediately with:
No such file or directory: '/path/to/coco/val2017-300/val_map.txt
The more plausible looking:
./ onnxruntime mobilenet cpu --accuracy --dataset coco-300
first takes a while to preprocess something most likely, which it does only one, and then fails:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ciro/git/inference/vision/classification_and_detection/python/", line 596, in <module>
  File "/home/ciro/git/inference/vision/classification_and_detection/python/", line 468, in main
    ds = wanted_dataset(data_path=args.dataset_path,
  File "/home/ciro/git/inference/vision/classification_and_detection/python/", line 115, in __init__
    self.label_list = np.array(self.label_list)
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 2 dimensions. The detected shape was (5000, 2) + inhomogeneous part.
Universal wavefunction Updated +Created
NP-complete Updated +Created
A problem that is both NP and NP-hard.

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