I.O.U, Road Games, and Metal Fatigue are also extremely worth it, they are so good that even the singing does not spoil them. s2 forever Allan.
Japanese Brazilians are either model children, or they're good for nothings. There is no intermediate.
The key concept of topology.
It is cool how even for such a "simple looking" problem, we were still unable to prove optimality as of 2020.
Co-founder of Apple.
Is Jobs evil? Is he interesting? Undoubtedly.
www.folklore.org/ProjectView.py?project=Macintosh&characters=Steve%20Jobs has some good anecdotes about him.
Ciro Santilli is especially fond of: Jobs and Wozniak's blue box.
Good quotes:
- "Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money." quote at: Section "Don't be a pussy" and the related Jobs and Wozniak's blue box attitude
- "Steve Jobs Insult Response" on backward design
- Steve Jobs Pixar office design philosophy: great ideas happen from chance meetings on corridors, not in board rooms: officesnapshots.com/2012/07/16/pixar-headquarters-and-the-legacy-of-steve-jobs/
- Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
- Here's to the crazy ones: Ciro would like to believe that this is mostly written by Jobs, but apparently it was just written by an advertisement agency. Good job though.
You must watch this: Video "Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs by Epic Rap Battles of History (2012)".
Evil deeds:
- not recognizing own daughter for many years??? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Brennan-Jobs
- lying to Steve Wozniak about the 5000 dollar Atari bonus: web.archive.org/web/20110612071502/http://www.woz.org/letters/general/91.html
- not giving stock to early garage employees: www.businessinsider.com/steve-wozniak-gave-early-apple-employees-10-million-in-stock-2014-9 OK, not a legal obligation. But... love?
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