There are valid reasons to be pro-Brexit, given the uselessness of the European Union.
The problem was how the campaign was conducted, in a purely nationalistic, populist and fake news manner, and largely supported by business leaders who immediately after still wanted to hire cheap foreign labour, use tax havens and move headquarters to other countries, e.g.:
This classification is too restrictive, and too South-centered. But if is worth knowing.
Ah, this seems like a nice dude.
A different and more elegant way to express Maxwell's equations by using the:instead of the:
Interestingly, the very first programming language with an actual implementation was interpreted: Short Code in 1950.
This is not surprising, as interpreters are easier to write than compilers.
And just like modern scripting languages, it reduced execution speed by about 50x.
Oh yeah, that felt good. A few months before he died.
Appears to have just one, other bacteria can have more. TODO position in NCBI. Sequence determined in 1979:
Introductory analysis of a simple example of the executable and Linkable Format.
Extracted from this Stack Overflow answer.
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