Dual vector Updated +Created
Dual vectors are the members of a dual space.
In the context of tensors , we use raised indices to refer to members of the dual basis vs the underlying basis:
The dual basis vectors are defined to "pick the corresponding coordinate" out of elements of V. E.g.:
By expanding into the basis, we can put this more succinctly with the Kronecker delta as:
Note that in Einstein notation, the components of a dual vector have lower indices. This works well with the upper case indices of the dual vectors, allowing us to write a dual vector as:
In the context of quantum mechanics, the bra notation is also used for dual vectors.
Bruker Corporation Updated +Created
Covariant formulation of classical electromagnetism Updated +Created
Lie algebra of Updated +Created
Sandia National Laboratories Updated +Created
Square root Updated +Created
Quantum electrodynamics experiment Updated +Created
Experiments explained by QED but not by the Dirac equation:
Aether drag hypothesis Updated +Created
Given experiments such as the Fizeau experiment and the Michelson-Morley experiment that couldn't really detect the Earth's movement across aether, people started to wonder if the Earth wasn't dragging the luminiferous aether.
Labour law Updated +Created
Computer chess interface Updated +Created
Sequence alignment Updated +Created
Sequence alignment is trying to match a DNA or amino acid sequence, even though the sequences might not be exactly the same, otherwise it would be a straight up string-search algorithm.
This is fundamental in bioinformatics for two reasons:
University of California, San Diego Updated +Created
Lecture videos: podcast.ucsd.edu/ Mostly paywalled, but a few not.
Superconducting qubits are bad because of fabrication variation Updated +Created
Atom-based qubits like trapped ion quantum computers have parameters fixed by the laws of physics.
However superconducting qubits have a limit on how precise their parameters can be set based on how well we can fabricate devices. This may require per-device characterisation.
Deletionism Updated +Created
The problem of deletionism is that it removes users' confidence that their precious data will be safe. It's almost like having a database that constantly resets itself. Who will be willing to post on a website that deletes the content they created for free half of the time thus wasting people's precious time?
High budget movies are shit Updated +Created
Movies that are very expensive to make tend to be bad, because they have to make returns and thus appeal to a large amorphous population without any specialization, i.e. the lowest common denominator but in TV Tropes terminology rather than mathematics: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LowestCommonDenominator.
Looking down the largest flops of all time list didn't help much, only Heaven's gate appears reasonable from the top 20.
Ciro Santilli's Chinese name Updated +Created
Higgs boson Updated +Created
Initially there were mathematical reasons why people suspected that all boson needed to have 0 mass as is the case for photons a gluons, see Goldstone's theorem.
However, experiments showed that the W boson and the Z boson both has large non-zero masses.
So people started theorizing some hack that would fix up the equations, and they came up with the higgs mechanism.
Hippolyte Pixiis alternator Updated +Created
Operated by a hand crank.
MongoDB Updated +Created
List databases:
echo 'show dbs' | mongo
Delete database:
use mydb
echo 'db.dropDatabase()' | mongo mydb
View collections within a database:
echo 'db.getCollectionNames()' | mongo mydb
Show all data from one of the collections: stackoverflow.com/questions/24985684/mongodb-show-all-contents-from-all-collections
echo 'db.collectionName.find()' | mongo mydb
Schoof's algorithm Updated +Created

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