Computer science and philosophy masters course of the University of Oxford Updated 2024-12-23 +Created 1970-01-01
Public landing page:
Corresponding undergrad: Computer Science and Philosophy course of the University of Oxford.
It is those early splinter groups that make it so clear that religion is fake. We believed in Judaism. Now we believe in Jesus. Oh, but wait, actually Judaism is now semi fake, and we don't live by Jewish law anymore.
TODO is there any good intuitive argument or proof of conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum?
Conservation of the square amplitude in the Schrodinger equation Updated 2024-12-23 +Created 1970-01-01
Proof that the probability 1 is conserved by the time evolution:
It can be derived directly from the Schrödinger equation.
- That proof also mentions that if the potential
is not real, then there is no conservation of probability! Therefore the potential must be real valued!
The busy beaver game consists in finding, for a given , the turing machine with states that writes the largest possible number of 1's on a tape initially filled with 0's. In other words, computing the busy beaver function for a given .
There are only finitely many Turing machines with states, so we are certain that there exists such a maxium. Computing the Busy beaver function for a given then comes down to solving the halting problem for every single machine with states.
Some variant definitions define it as the number of time steps taken by the machine instead. Wikipedia talks about their relationship, but no patience right now.
The Busy Beaver problem is cool because it puts the halting problem in a more precise numerical light, e.g.:
- the Busy beaver function is the most obvious uncomputable function one can come up with starting from the halting problem
- the Busy beaver scale allows us to gauge the difficulty of proving certain (yet unproven!) mathematical conjectures
- it wasn't paywalled in the past up to 2017, but later became. Bastards.
- gives the 2016 structure:
- Crystal Structure & Dynamics 10 lectures Dr Roger Johnston
- Band Theory 10 lectures Prof Michael Johnston
- Magnetism 7 lectures Prof Radu Coldea
- Optical Properties 6 lectures Prof Laura Herz
- Superconductivity 7 lectures Dr Peter Leek and Dr Amalia Coldea.
In simple terms, if you believe in the Schrödinger equation and its modern probabilistic interpretation as described in the Schrödinger picture, then at first it seem that there is no strict causality to the outcome of experiments.
People have then tried to recover that by assuming that there is some inner sate beyond the Schrödinger equation, but these ideas are refuted by Bell test experiments, unless we give up the principle of locality, which feels more important, especially in special relativity, where faster-than-light implies time travel, which breaks causality even more dramatically.
The de Broglie-Bohm theory is a deterministic but non-local formulation of quantum mechanics.
- css/code-block.html
- css/img-table-vertical-center.html
- css/viewport-height.html: a div that is a tall as the viewport, and does not generate a toplevel scrollbar
- css/responsive-image-max-height.html: here we try to create an image that is never wider than the screen. If the screen is less wide than the image, then the image scales down proportionally. Otherwise, the image has a user determined fixed by the CSS or the HTML
property. Related:TODO I'm unable to do this....... The objective was to implement: - css/top-navigation.html
A Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Arbitrary Blockchain Content on Bitcoin by Matzutt et al. (2018) Updated 2024-12-23 +Created 1970-01-01
Semi-boring academic overview, but without reproducibility, or in a way that is too hidden for Ciro to have the patience to find it out.
Claims 1600 files found.
Mentions some upload mechanisms, notably AtomSea & EMBII and Satoshi uploader.
Text is the only reasonbly interesting content that Ciro Santilli has seen in the ordinals, as opposed to images which are boring. They haven'g found a way to commercialize it yet it seems, thank God. Glad to have researcehd this a bit!
Shame that the plaintext ones don't show up too well on!
The largest inscriptions with mime
are:- 395,253 bytes (2023-02-23): an English translation of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler starting from the "Author's preface" section to the end of Chapter V. This seems to be the text: Likely someone trying to be naughty, on the same vein as the "Hitler did nothing wrong" meme from previous eras
- 394,346 bytes (2023-02-21): Mein Kempt just like but with the HTML in a single line, so it is slightly smaller
- 394,053 bytes (2023-02-21): HTML heart shaped index of the "Insignia Art" ordinal collection: That one is kind of cool actually.
- 392,866 bytes (2023-09-29) Majjhima Nikāya (Collection of Middle-length Discourses), Buddhist text that is part of the Pali Canon, the most original Buddhist scriptures. EMBII's inscription of the Bhagavad Gita comes to mind. Both Pali transliteration and English translation are present side-by-side.
- 391,053 bytes (2023-03-03) "Satoshi Wars" Star Wars-themed browser game. It is a mouse-controlled Pong clone
- 389,001 bytes (2023-02-19) "The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell". People trying to be semi-naughty as usual.
- 388,196 bytes (2023-02-12)
This fully on-chain document contains all of Satoshi Nakamoto's posts on Bitcointalk.
- 387,818 bytes (2023-04-06) an HTML page, title:It seems t oallow you to upload images and reads metadata from the image. Didn't work too well on possibly due to narrow display port. Also it has a funny background music :-)
Welcome to the on-chain Pixogette Metadata Reader
- 386,913 bytes (2023-02-19) a cute Bitcoin Cash ad:It appears to contain the entire first fork block of Bitcoi Cash from mainline bitcoin.
#!/bin/bash # # ____ _ _ _ ____ _ # | __ ) (_) | |_ ___ ___ (_) _ __ / ___| __ _ ___ | |__ # | _ \ | | | __| / __| / _ \ | | | '_ \ | | / _` | / __| | '_ \ # | |_) | | | | |_ | (__ | (_) | | | | | | | | |___ | (_| | \__ \ | | | | # |____/ |_| \__| \___| \___/ |_| |_| |_| \____| \__,_| |___/ |_| |_| # # ___ _ _ # |_ _| _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ ___ # | | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / __| / _ \ # | | | | | | | (_| | | __/ | |_) | | __/ | | | | | (_| | | __/ | | | | | (__ | __/ # |___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| | .__/ \___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| |_| |_| \___| \___| # |_| # ____ _ _ # | __ ) | | ___ ___ | | __ # | _ \ | | / _ \ / __| | |/ / # | |_) | | | | (_) | | (__ | < # |____/ |_| \___/ \___| |_|\_\
- 386,819 bytes (2023-02-18) The Illiad Books I-XII
- 386,655 bytes (2023-08-09) Frogger browser clone
- 385,743 bytes (2023-03-25) A Roguelike browser game
- 383,098 (2023-02-18) Brave New World
The most awesome country in the world, except for it's horrible government as of 2019 which Ciro Santilli is trying to replace with democracy.
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