This is very promising.
Animation of molecular biology processes by Ciro Santilli 35 Updated 2025-01-06 +Created 1970-01-01
Nothing makes the fact that your life is an illusion clearer than animations of molecular biology processes. You just have no idea what is going on inside your own body right now!
And yet, we live, oblivious to all of it.
Amazing creators:
Always a bit too much on the superficial side, but sometimes OK, 5-10 minute videos.
Nope, it is not a Greek letter, notably it is not a lowercase delta. It is just some random made up symbol that looks like a letter D. Which is of course derived from delta, which is why it is all so damn confusing.
I think the symbol is usually just read as "D" as in "d f d x" for .
These are websites that offer somewhat overlapping services, many of which served inspirations, and why we think something different is needed to achieve our goals.
Notably, OurBigBook is the result of Ciro Santilli's experiences with:OurBigBook could be seen as a cross between those three websites.
- Wikipedia
- GitHub
- Stack Exchange (or as non techies might point out, Urban Dictionary, or Quora before it was such an incomprehensible shitshow)
Quick mentions:
- technically the same as Wikipedia, but with more aligned moderation policies
- similar goals. Their website seems quite broken now though as of 2021, can't see text properly. Crunchbase entry: says they are from Durham, New Hampshire, United States. Cannot see how to publish, curated material only? Twitter: One of the founders: | Their LinkedIn:
- bad: separates students and teachers, as a student I don't see where to create my content. Good: focus on teaching university level stuff to people outside of university via Advanced Placement. Bad: Lots of video content. Bad: Can't see the issue tracker attached to each page.
- LessWrong: their website system does have some similar feature sets to what we want. Reputation, Q&A sections, links between articles most likely, sort by upvote everywhere.
- collaborative writing website, somehow goes to paragraph level, TODO how they reconcile different authors? Closed beta as of writing, so hard to be sure. From quick presentation on beta website, appears to attempt to share revenue to authors proportionally to the size of their contribution. Some blockchain-based reputation. Meh.
- TODO migrate all from:
- Admin approval on everything. No ToC. Fixed tag list for university entry exams topics.
- there appears to be no sharing focus? File upload basesd? Not sure.
- EverybodyWiki
- looking for open source Confluence-alternatives is an interesting way to go:
- lists:
- BookStack:
- fixed 3-level page hierarchy
- writen in PHP
- Markdown support:
- no source-level import-export apparently:,
- WYSIWYG: via TinyMCE
- page content repeating: (will be useful for course modelling)
- converts Markdown links to Next.js links. We should look into how it works.
- "The Archive" from Closed source. By German software engineer Christian Tietze
- LLM generated wiki e.g.:
- beautiful website, but doesn't achieve much. Has a Markdown upload mechanism. Ah, those newbs who think the average user will care about markup upload to DB... Oh, wait...
- PDF uploads. In theory you have to own copyright: but it feels unlikely that most material was uploaded by the copyright owners. If those people are up, then why can't we? Maybe... Registred in the UK. People: some Dutch dudes:
- Project Xanadu: crazy overlaps, though that project is vaporware apparently?
Administrators of Project Xanadu have declared it superior to the World Wide Web, with the mission statement: "Today's popular software simulates paper. The World Wide Web (another imitation of paper) trivialises our original hypertext model with one-way ever-breaking links and no management of version or contents.
Static website-only alternatives:
- unmanaged internal links. Sample website:
- The Final Encyclopedia: science fiction concept, but the name was reused by Paul Allen in a research project
- second brain
- collective intelligence
Ciro is looking for:
- university teachers who might be interested in trying it out as described at Section "Action plan", especially those who already use open licenses for their lecture notes
- funding possibilities for this project, including donations as mentioned at Section "Sponsor Ciro Santilli's work on" and contracts
The initial incentive for the creators is to make them famous and allow them to get more fulfilling jobs more easily, although Ciro also wants to add money transfer mechanisms to it later on.
We can't rely on teachers writing materials, because they simply don't have enough incentive: publication count is all that matters to their careers. The students however, are desperate to prove themselves to the world, and becoming famous for amazing educational content is something that some of them might want to spend their times on, besides grinding for useless grade.
Integrating multiple omics, comes quite close to whole cell simulation.
It is harder to measure the impact of nonprofits than of for-profits, since you can't just look at their bank balances.
This is one fundamental difficulty of nonprofit work, how to prove that you deserve the investments and not someone else.
Sets both a Dirichlet boundary condition and a Neumann boundary condition for a single part of the boundary.
Can be used for hyperbolic partial differential equations.
We understand intuitively that this imposes stricter requirements on solutions, which makes it easier to guarantee uniqueness, but also harder to have existence. TODO intuitively why hyperbolic need this extra level of restriction.
Analogous to a linear form, a bilinear form is a Bilinear map where the image is the underlying field of the vector space, e.g. .
Some definitions require both of the input spaces to be the same, e.g. , but it doesn't make much different in general.
The most important example of a bilinear form is the dot product. It is only defined if both the input spaces are the same.
Since DNA is the centerpiece of life, Ciro Santilli is extremely excited about DNA-related technologies, see also: molecular biology technologies.
There are unlisted articles, also show them or only show them.