If Ciro Santilli weren't a natural born activist, he chould have made an excellent intelligence analyst! See also: Section "Being naughty and creative are correlated".
- Stack Overflow Vote Fraud Script
- GitHub makes Ciro feel especially naughty:
- All GitHub Commit Emails: he extracted (almost) all Git commit emails from GitHub with Google BigQuery
Figure 1. All GitHub Commit Emails repo before takedown. Screenshot from archive.is. - A repository with 1 million commits: likely the live repo with the most commits as of 2017
- An 100 year GitHub streak, likely longest ever when that existed. It was consuming too much server resources however, which led to GitHub admins manually turning off his contribution history.
Figure 2. Screenshot of Ciro Santilli's GitHub profile with an 100 year streak visible. Source. - A repository with a 100k commit Git octopus merge. Now that is a true Cthulhu merge.
Figure 3. Screenshot of a commit with 100k parents on GitHub. URL: github.com/cirosantilli/test-octopus-100k/commit/07fdcceb20ac3626a07c08166d0c410707b1cb9b - 500 on adoc infinite header xref recursion: that was fun while it lasted
Outside this website:
This dude is mind blowing. Big respect.
Some of the most impressive videos are the ones in which he goes and extracts metals from minerals himself all the way.
But God, the typography of the channel name is so insane! Why no space???
Shame the academic system wasn't compatible with him: www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/comments/f5531p/codys_qualifications/ Maybe there were safety issues involved though.
What's Been Going On With Cody'sLab? by Cody'sLab (2019)
Source. Cody opening up about some issues he's having life. Notably: being naughty and creative are correlated.Ciro Santilli found out that he likes computer security researchers and vice versa.
It's a bit the same reason why he likes physicists: you can't bullshit with security.
You can't just talk nice and hope for people to belive you.
You can't not try to break things and just keep everyone happy in their false illusion of safety.
You can't do a half job.
If you do any of that, you will get your ass handed to you in a little gift bag.
All of this is closely linked to Ciro Santilli's self perceived creative personality and being naughty and creative are correlated.
Some have actually been preserved: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Blue_Box_in_museum.jpg