Abrahamic religion Updated +Created
It is just mind blowing that Christians, Muslims and Jews can have so many conflicts considering that their religions are basically the same. Uncanny valley comes to mind. See also remarks at: cirosantilli.com/china-dictatorship/zhong-gong
The transfiguration of Jesus is a notable example where Jesus/the Church tries to divert older religions into him. And then Muhammad does the same during isra and Mi'raj, and meets up with Jesus, John the Baptist and Abraham. The Kaaba was also clearly an earlier place of worship of local religions before Muhammad. But of course, Abraham was one of the builders of the Kaaba, so all good.
Andrew the Apostle Updated +Created
Animal rights Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli has mixed feelings about animal rights.
On one hand, his irrational side wants of course all animals to be happy.
On the other, he does not care about this enough to not kill and eat them, even though he believes that you could live off plants relatively well.
His more rational side says: humans are sacred. Either because you believe in the soul, or because your built-in empathy behaviours. If it is not a human, do whatever you want to it. Killing is already undoubtedly the greatest sin. It is not OK to kill a human painlessly is it? So if torturing it brings humans good, then do it.
Of course, this does get use close and closer to "the what is a human" question, which is more relevant than ever in the awakening of genetics: all species are after all a continuum right?
And Ciro does not have a simple solution to this problem, besides that in 99.9999% the answer is obvious to 99.9999% of the people, and for the others cases, we have to do it like the law and make flawed rules to cover the remaining 0.000099999% cases and let juries decide the rest.
The only other sensible sacredness barrier is the common vegetarian "nervous systems are sacred" one. But how can you believe that if you also follow the religion of physics, where everything is just made of atoms?
Is it evil to take one neuron and torture it? What does that even mean? It will be fun when pain and pleasure are fully understood.
And you are going to have a really hard time when mosquitoes start transmitting deadly diseases that kill your family.
Laws in most 2020 Western modern societies have converged to a hypocritical balance between not offending people too much by hiding the killing and minimizing the pain when possible at low cost. Killing animals painlessly is basically always fine if it brings any "non sadistic" pleasure to humans. And torturing animals is fine with approval e.g. to make medicines.
This has the downside of increasing costs for society. Maybe there are practical benefits besides people feeling bad about animals? Maybe we would have more serial killers if people were free to torture animals? Maybe people in butcher shops would become depressive if their bosses weren't forced to use more expensive painless killing methods? Neither of those seems like huge arguments though.
It eventually comes down to: "how much more is a human life worth than that of an animal" which brings Jesus's Matthew 6:25-34 "Do Not Worry" (archive) quote to mind:
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Non-vegetarian pets owners also baffle Ciro, as most of them basically extend the sacred human line further arbitrarily to certain other cute looking animals like dogs, cats or rabbits, but will gladly kill a cow indirectly by paying someone to pay someone to pay someone to cut it into small pieces. Or they believe that certain specific individuals are sacred. Admittedly, the latter is more rational, and looks a lot of how we treat our own families well, and can accept that other families are not doing so well.
Ciro's even more rational evil side says: the real reason why humans are sacred is a practical one: people have families that love them, and they come to kill you if you kill them, and this starts endless chains of violence that make society unbearable.
While animals feel pain when their children are killed, their memory and logic is just not good enough to fully understand that humans in general have an evil plot to it, and they don't have a method to communicate between themselves and fight back.
For similar reasons, Ciro is pro-abortion.
Futurama's S02E15 "The Problem With Popplers" episode blew Ciro's mind so much.
Ciro should stop discussing topics in which infinite argument has already been had. Sometimes he writes things down so he can stop caring the next time the subject comes up, as there's no need to say it again once it is written.
Art Updated +Created
Stuff that is beautiful but useless because it does not make food or houses cheaper.
Or from Ciro Santilli's best random thoughts:
Without technology, one cannot survive. Without art, one cannot live.
But that sure enough has a Jesus semi-precursor, and likely many others: man shall not live by bread alone.
There is some art however that lives in the fine intersection between beauty and usefulness:
ASCII art Updated +Created
There are a few dozen ASCII arts in the blockchain.
Almost all of them are copy pastes of stuff present elsewhere, or boring high resolution ones auto-generated from images. But hey, it's still fun to see.
  • block 229417 (2013-04-03) has a cute one liner sword miner message by HHTT:
  • 5acc5293506c65d346d6ca171d8e8b73b39b3f99fb16a98cc7f3ce9dbe27a87c (2014-03-10) goes straight to the point:
  • tx 9f17f3ce43019c24baa6d679edfdddeada856f617cd9c1f6008d49be4542b768, block 301412 (2014-05-18) TODO wft, what/who is "poutine". Cthulhu is of course the fictional (?) entity created by writer H. P. Lovecraft.
     /    ~~~~~~\                     p o u t i n e
    (_   ~~~@~~@|     Cthulhu wants your bitcoin/dogecoin, plz donate
     \   ~~//|\\\  |
      \   \|||/\\\_/
      /   /|//_/|/__   BTC : 1JsJs5d6E5SmJSGUiQ12uF1GDZxTCUWvf
     /    \_\ \|\|     DOGE: D93mn1utTc7REQQPjQSjFf9Boupm32gw88
    There were a few small donations: www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/BTC/1JsJs5d6E5SmJSGUiQ12uF1GDZxTCUWvf
  • tx 7b537ad012439c6306dd74e13ba9c20926d68d04fc0c6da2fc81a8eb8f9ea017, block 322917 (2014-09-28) via cryptograffiti.info: hello, it's the Internet:
        ____/ o o \
      /~____  =
    = /
  • Figure 1. . tx 09a5d5aaecdce1757e6ec713cc8a2201abca9acdb6fbadc7760e831cdad3d680 (2014-10-01) high resolution image of two men wearing a suit with the bitcoin logo on the background, followed by "if you like it, leave a tip: 1MDBHLGV7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9w". Both men look quite similar, so quite likely it's the Winklevoss twins, who had a big and later catastrophic involvement with Bitcoin. The tip address appears to be cropped and is incorrect, ooops. 777db7bfbea2c525d5adb05a8fbf47736e2311492f4614e5d38ab199b4bbfac2 give the likely correct version of it "1MDBHLgv7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9wviC".
  • tx e577e60f4008a00175ef3f3266f052949440009b2ac65e4957da114db29bf96d (2014-11-03) @jamesmorgan. Possibly this Twitter account: twitter.com/jamesmorgan but it was suspended as of January 2024. It had only a single archive from 2008 at: web.archive.org/web/20081007152024/http://twitter.com/JamesMorgan but nothing special about it besides the 2008 vibe of Twitter CSS:
       _____     __
      / ___ \   |__|____    _____   ____   ______ ____   _____   ___________  _________    ____
     / / ._\ \  |  \__  \  /     \_/ __ \ /  ___// ___\ /     \ /  _ \_  __ \/ ___\__  \  /    \
    <  \_____/  |  |/ __ \|  Y Y  \  ___/ \___ \/ /_/  >  Y Y  (  <_> )  | \/ /_/  > __ \|   |  \
     \_____\/\__|  (____  /__|_|  /\___  >____  >___  /|__|_|  /\____/|__|  \___  (____  /___|  /
            \______|    \/      \/     \/     \/_____/       \/            /_____/     \/     \/
  • Figure 2. . (2014-10-12). Associated text:
    if you like it, leave a tip: 1MDBHLgv7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9wviC
    Portrait of a young man. TODO identify. 1MDBHLgv7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9wviC was tipped twice so far: www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/1MDBHLgv7WX9viRG9X4LfDQfCX8oZ9wviC for 0.00240 BTC and 0.02490000 BTC in 2014.
  • tx c6df8850871fce6c8764af2a0a4155241fc987db57abd8c9ead0165895e1ccc4 (2014-11-04): TODO what company is this the logo of? It seems very familiar, Ciro Santilli has certainly seen it before but can't remember where...:
            +dmmdddddhhy:``       ./sh/.-/yhho`
           -dmmdddhhhy/`            `/y/`./yho-
          .hmddddhhhs:                :h.`::/-:`
          ydmmmdhhhy`                  s+ .` `.-
          ymmmmdhhh+                   /o  @R*.
          /mmmmdhhhs`                  ..
             ` -sdmmmmddddddddddddddmmmd-
  • The Hashling
    Code 1.
    The Hashling
    "The Hashling" presumably refers to a cute fictional crab-like animal that somehow inhabits the alternate reality created Blockchain network's incredible hashrate. Yet another soulless NFT collection would later be created with that name as well: magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/hashlings.
    But that is not all! Immediately after the ASCII art encoded as one constant, the remaining constants of the input script except for the last one encode a raw PNG image with a hand drawing of the creature:
    The last constant is then the only thing that matters and spends the incoming output.
    The ASCII art and image are also inscribed 16 more times on the blockchain: github.com/cirosantilli/bitcoin-inscription-indexer/blob/master/data/hashling. 453c9511ca76361c8c44b4302ce1b5d8d5c98a938b548478ef931baaa7d70e62 also has the image without any ASCII strings.
    Peter Todd is the author of Peter Todd's hash collision puzzles. @BraveTheWorld is presumably twitter.com/BraveTheWorld, but it is less clear what are they.
  • tx 57a4edce05dee9012ff5991532e9aa02aef82ee8d3ebecb9f833c12bfbc708fe (2014-12-19) via cryptograffiti.info "MERRY CHRISTMAS! & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" with a really ugly father Christmas with gift bag. Reproduced at: asciiart.website/index.php?art=holiday/christmas/santa where is is credited From: Heather Classen <classen@aware.com>, Date: 22 Dec 1994 17:00:58 -0600
      MERRY CHRISTMAS!              __ _ __ ___
            &                  _ __'.:;.:;.:;.:`
      HAPPY NEW YEAR!        _'.:;.:;.:;.:;.:;.:`
                            '.:. , :`,.,`;'/`__ _` _
                            '..:;.;'.:,.;.:;\      (_)
                          -__ --_-_-_-__---_-)
                        (                    )
      ____               (_- -__-_-__-____-__-)
    /####\ /\            |  ,~~~'  `~~~.   %@
    |#####\#|             )  ><@>  <@><    %@%
    |#######|            /      /          %@p
      \######|            ( *   (_c)   * )  % %      .vvvvvvvv.
      |#####|             \ '%@%@%@%@`, %@%@       .vvvvvvvvvv.
      /#####\         _ _ d%@ `----' @%@%@ \ _ _ _.vvvvvvvvvvvvv.
      ~~~~~~~       ':;.;%@@%@%@%@%@%@@%p  /.:;.:;vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.
        `.:;.'     ':;.;%@@%@%@@%@%@%@%@ :: ____vvmvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.
        :.:;.:`   ':;.:d%@%@%@%@%@%@@%@%.:;/####\/\.:;\mvvvvvvvvvvvv
        :.:;.:;` ';.;;.%@%@@%@%@@%@%@%@p.:;|#####\#|.:;\mvvvvvvvvvvvv.
        :.:;.:;./;.;;.;%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ ::.'\######|.:;\mnvvvvvvvvvvvv
        :.:;.:;.|:.;.;.% %@%@%@%@%@% % :  mvv\#####|.:;.\mnvvvvvvvvvvv
        :.:;.:;/:;.;.:;.q%@%@@%@%@ %p.:;vv%mv|#####\.:;.\mnvvvvvvvvvv
        :.:;.:;|:;.:;.;;;%@%@@% %.:;.:;.vmnv. ~~~~~~ .:;.|mvvvvvvvvvv.
        :.:;.:/.:;.:;.:;.: o  .:;.:;.:;.vv.:;/.:;.:;\.:;.|mnvvvvvvvvv.
        `.:;.|:;.:;;;.:;.    .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;|.:;.:;.\.:;\mnvvvvvvvv.
          `::/:;;;.:;;.:; o  .:;.;;.:;;;.:;.:|.:;.:;.:\.:;\mnvvvvvnm
            ;.:;;.:;;.:     :;;;.:;.:;.:;.:;\.:;.:;.:;.:;|mnvvvnm.
            :::;.:;.:;. o  ..:;.:;.:;;;;.;;;;\.:;.:;.:;.:|mnvvnm.
            :::;.:;;.:     .:;;;;;;;;.:;.:;;;|.:;.:;.:;./mmvnm.
            ;.:;.:;.;. o   .:;.;.:;;.:;.:;.:;.\________/mmmnm.
            :.:;;;.;;;     .:;;.:;.:;;.:;.:;.:;.;.:;;;;`mmnn
              '::;;;.;; o  :;;;.:;.:;;.;;;;;;;;;;;.:;.:`  H.Classen
  • tx 69708943906eb32a320a5a450fed450b0f14b4e475a98bc74615962b68a0bc83 (2015-01-24) via cryptograffiti.info "All Glory to he HYPNO TOAD" signed "SSt" has an ASCII art of HypnoToad, a ficticius mind controlling frog creature from Futurama: Fandom, KnowYourMeme. The same ASCII art can be seen for example at: www.gotfuturama.com/Multimedia/AsciiArt/HypnoSebastian.shtml
          ,'``.._   ,'``.
        :,--._:)\,:,._,.:       All Glory to
        :`--,''   :`...';\      the HYPNO TOAD!
          `,'       `---'  `.
          /                 :
        /                   \
      ,'                     :\.___,-.
      `...,---'``````-..._    |:       \
        (                 )   ;:    )   \  _,-.
        `.              (   //          `'    \
          :               `.//  )      )     , ;
        ,-|`.            _,'/       )    ) ,' ,'
      (  :`.`-..____..=:.-':     .     _,' ,'
        `,'\ ``--....-)='    `._,  \  ,') _ '``._
    _.-/ _ `.       (_)      /     )' ; / \ \`-.'
    `--(   `-:`.     `' ___..'  _,-'   |/   `.)
        `-. `.`.``-----``--,  .'
          |/`.\`'        ,','); SSt
              `         (/  (/
    Figure 3.
    Hypno toad
    . Off-chain reference image for the ASCII art
  • tx 0913d8125167f728cec1b95d27e6fc62a7a45af35eecfefd3b5000e367ee1468 (2015-02-01) via cryptograffiti.info: ASCII typeface add for an unsuccesful cryptocurrency with a link to its homepage zeit-coin.net:
             _ _            _
            (_) |          (_)
     _______ _| |_ ___ ___  _ _ __
    |_  / _ \ | __/ __/ _ \| | '_ \
     / /  __/ | || (_| (_) | | | | |
    /___\___|_|\__\___\___/|_|_| |_|
  • tx 43b0bb63fc50ad1edbb17486dc44825e4dd642a952c699cc13958e010ba3d8a5 (2015-02-26) has a star of David. Possibly related news from the day prior: www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/25/jewish-leaders-europe-legislation-outlawing-antisemitism "Jewish leaders call for Europe-wide legislation outlawing antisemitism"
              /  \
             / /\ \
    ________/ /__\_\________
    \  ____/ /___________  /
     \ \  / /      \ \  / /
      \ \/ /        \ \/ /
       \ \/          \ \/
       /\ \          /\ \
      / /\ \        / /\ \
     / /__\_\______/ /__\ \
    /_____________/ /______\
            \ \  / /
             \ \/ /
              \  /
    The signature however appears ironic and could stand for "Zionist Occupation Government"
  • Muy feliz cumple Manu! ---- The Fantastic Four Gang :-D
    Code 2.
    Muy feliz cumple Manu!
    tx 00d8871c1b3fb85912616bb2602b5a9869a345d9fa092f8454614c6158c83d10 (2015-04-08)
    Muy feliz cumple Manu! ---- The Fantastic Four Gang :-D
    which means: "Happy birthday, Manu", in Spanish, followed by Manu's face in medium resolution
    The given names of the other three of the "Fantastic Four Gang" are then given at Figure 4. "Viva la Revolucion! Happy Birthday Santi".
    Figure 4.
    Viva la Revolucion! Happy Birthday Santi
    tx 1b35d4b9506ab80ec7fc5542f73271cbb72090aa3f70bfa77670f8bd43d072a7, block 378022, 2015-10-08) has a message:
    Viva la Revolucion! Happy Birthday Santi! Manu, Santi, Demi, Esteban
    and starts a long chain of contiguous transactions that renders Santi's face twice in low resolution. They are encoded one line every two transactions with OP_RETURN:
    and we've decoded it manually in Vim.
    Both blocks were mined by AntPool, so they weren't mining themselves to enforce ordering. So how is ordering assured? TODO are transactions actually contiguous in the block or are there other transactions interspersed? According to:
    bitcoin-core.cli getblock 00000000000000000baf6e3006fd05a1c5dbca3d430012180f8098cbe8b8ce22
    many of the transactions are contiguous but we haven't checked all of them.
  • Figure 5.
    Warren Buffet
    tx 0fc0c50e410b62ee3a316135711116db6b4e728841c976f29ab85e2a41e0dcc3 (2015-08-02) Associated message:
    if you like it, leave a tip: 1P675gRxNwhFXgfuDu5yXwGDgwLDbXNJqz BM-2cUDAqyqcnksx7YDtgu2y72xDxcRjPeYfo
    1P675gRxNwhFXgfuDu5yXwGDgwLDbXNJqz was never tipped so far: www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/1P675gRxNwhFXgfuDu5yXwGDgwLDbXNJqz TODO what is "BM-2cUDAqyqcnksx7YDtgu2y72xDxcRjPeYfo"?
    Figure 6. . Source. Off-chain reference image for the ASCII art.
    This image was likely inscribed due to Buffet's general status as an investing God. Interestingly, in a twist of fate, Buffer would later come to strongly criticize cryptocurrency as worthless: finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffett-says-wouldnt-pay-175917403.html.
  • Figure 7. . tx 467c075ee6edaa60f184d0683655f1f6d267efd98061872f167ef7ca9ca7c50f (2015-08-09). The eyebrows are a bit wrong, and he is a bit too young for the original series. Minor manual fixes were applied by Ciro Santilli, it is unknown why this was needed.
  • tx beeead7429cdb78f3bfe8a17d8e485a3a847b3e99a511a025bb49e2948af5058, block 378735 (2015-10-13) contains a happy birthday message:
    To my dear friend Mariano, por muchos anos más de diversión!
    the Spanish part translates to:
    Here's to many more years of fun
    It does not show well in our ASCII jumps because the non ASCII characters are UTF-8-encoded. Europeans... This is followed by the ASCII art with Marian's nerdy face in it:
     _______  _______ ____      ___   _______    _______  __   __  __   __  _______  ___      _______
    |       ||       ||   |    |   | |       |  |       ||  | |  ||  |_|  ||       ||   |    |       |
    |    ___||    ___||   |    |   | |____   |  |       ||  | |  ||       ||    _  ||   |    |    ___|
    |   |___ |   |___ |   |    |   |  ____|  |  |       ||  |_|  ||       ||   |_| ||   |    |   |___
    |    ___||    ___||   |___ |   | | ______|  |      _||       ||       ||    ___||   |___ |    ___|
    |   |    |   |___ |       ||   | | |_____   |     |_ |       || ||_|| ||   |    |       ||   |___
    |___|    |_______||_______||___| |_______|  |_______||_______||_|   |_||___|    |_______||_______|          
               __   __  _______  ______    ___   _______  __    _  __   __   __
              |  |_|  ||   _   ||    _ |  |   | |   _   ||  |  | ||  | |  | |  |
              |       ||  |_|  ||   | ||  |   | |  |_|  ||   |_| ||  | |  | |  |
              |       ||       ||   |_||_ |   | |       ||       ||  | |  | |  |
              |       ||       ||    __  ||   | |       ||  _    ||__| |__| |__|
              | ||_|| ||   _   ||   |  | ||   | |   _   || | |   | __   __   __
              |_|   |_||__| |__||___|  |_||___| |__| |__||_|  |__||__| |__| |__|
    which reads:
    Feliz cumple, Marian
    which means:
    Happy Birthday, Marian
    The message is encoded with OP_RETURN payloads across multiple transactions, 40 bytes per transaction. They actually managed to upload two almost fully consecutive transaction blocks and in the correct order. Could they be miners?
    Some of the payloads contain newlines, you are just supposed to paste all payloads together to form the image. Our reconstruction here is manual however, lazy to script it properly.
  • tx f6039915b829377849be87fc242303873e6574528db7916dd81ff44141b3560f (2016-04-27) via cryptograffiti.info contains some candles followed by poem that starts with:
    vaardig regulerend de orde van de dag
    Is in Dutch of course, literally:
    skillfully regulating the order of the day
    Given the date and language, it appears to be a reference to Koningsdag, Dutch national holiday that celebrated the birthday of their King at the time, King Willem-Alexander. Born in 1956, he would have been turning 60 at the time, so a nice round number in 2016 when these birthday candles were inscribed.
                      )                    `
                    /(l                   /)
                    (  \                  / (
                    ) * )                ( , )
                    \#/                  \#'
                  .-"#'-.             .-"#"=,
                (  |"-.='|            '|"-,-"|
                )\ |     |  ,        /(|     | /(         ,
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      )\     (   (|     | ) )      ) , )    |/ (        ) \
      /  )     ) . )     |/  (     ( # (     ( , )      /   )
    ( * (      \#/|     (`# )      `#/|     |`#/      (  '(
      \#/     .-"#'-.   .-"#'-,   .-"#'-.   .-=#"-;     `#/
    .-"#'-.   |"=,-"|   |"-.-"|)  1"-.-"|   |"-.-"|   ,-"#"-.
    |"-.-"|   |  !  |   |     |   |     |   |     !   |"-.-"|
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    |     |   |     |   |     |   |     |   |     p   |     |
    |     |   |     |   |     |   |     |   |     x   |     |
    '-._,-'   '-._,-'   '-._,-'   '-._,-'   '-._,-"   '-._,-'
    The poem also appears at: 2422215c9a6040c0e337bf1c1e9b2b32244a1e36f3dd3e79fb77592c90bbb5a8.
  • tx a55e7587bb34a56ae1113b0848506ea2fcf0c0e1af8c241e76677eb2bcb727eb (2016-04-27) via cryptograffiti.info
    /y            _,     _   _    ,_
              o888P     Y8o8Y     Y888o.
            d88888      88888      88888b
          ,8888888b_  _d88888b_  _d8888888,
            Y888   '8'   Y8P   '8'   888Y
              '8o          V          o8'
                `                   `
    The image is also reproduced a bit later at tx 959a19729ca02b1e06e600a331d7f4603669a7eaaa20b5cfb9f3528e3005a8f2, block 410357 www.blockchain.com/explorer/blocks/btc/410357 (2016-05-05). This second one includes the lyrics:
    Denk niet wit, denk niet zwart.
    Denk niet zwart-wit
    Maar alleen aan de kleur van je hart.
    Don't think white, don't think black.
    Don't think black and white
    But only by the color of your heart.
    of the 1984 song "Zwart Wit" (Black and white) by Dutch artist Frank Boeijen, sample performance by the artist:
    Video 1.
    Zwart Wit by Frank Boeijen
    . Source.
  • tx 15fb36eb159d2bbc78a4a4dffc29d166e662a020f42211c176648015102cbf77, block 410366 (2016-05-05) via cryptograffiti.info has a cute "ASCII art poem" if you will:
    Transhumanism and###
    singularity are lies
    and tricks. Don't###
    let them brainwash U
    and become enslaved#
    to Mr. Computer#####
    It's not intelligent
    The Angels Trumpet##
    lures to takes away#
    your free will######
    You loose emotions,#
    CREATIVITY, sanity##
    and true INNOVATION#
    You have been warned
    Humans are not tools
    to abuse and discard
    They have never been
    and they'll never be
    Love & cherish life#
    Don't give up ur <3!
    Pray for the Victims
    Send them love######
    Heal Mr.Computer too
    57bc317de1d9a1724b751a008951f76c79c0b787d47cb7561598cc62994237ab has a related one.
  • tx e10c958e199daf71ab31342d40e188380fe84f07abee6a11d02c274d5431902a (2016-05-26) via cryptograffiti.info ASCII typeface spelling "CrimsonHexagon"
    _________        .__                              ___ ___
    \_   ___ \_______|__| _____   __________   ____  /   |   \   ____ ___  ________     ____   ____   ____
    /    \  \/\_  __ \  |/     \ /  ___/  _ \ /    \/    ~    \_/ __ \\  \/  /\__  \   / ___\ /  _ \ /    \
    \     \____|  | \/  |  Y Y  \\___ (  <_> )   |  \    Y    /\  ___/ >    <  / __ \_/ /_/  >  <_> )   |  \
     \______  /|__|  |__|__|_|  /____  >____/|___|  /\___|_  /  \___  >__/\_ \(____  /\___  / \____/|___|  /
            \/                \/     \/           \/       \/       \/      \/     \//_____/             \/
    The URL redirect is dead as of January 2024. Possible meaning: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimson_Hexagon
  • ...........................................................  .......................................
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    ,,,,,,,,..................... ................:~NNNNNNNDNMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMD?,,,,,,,.......,,,,,,
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    +===+==:.... .........:::::::::::,:=~:,,,,...:===+=DNNNMDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNMMMMMM7=+?=:~,::,,,,,,,
    Dr. Bill Maurer
    Economic anthropologist
    Code 3.
    ASCII art of Dr. Bill Maurer
    tx 06d2528cfabf360c7a8f925d84207d47612cd0ac1ad2efd8aea9758263d9738b (2016-07-13) via cryptograffiti.info entitled:
    Dr. Bill Maurer
    Economic anthropologist
    His university home page faculty.sites.uci.edu/wmmaurer/ describes himself as:
    Professor Maurer is a cultural anthropologist and sociolegal scholar. His work explores the technological infrastructures and social relations of exchange and payment.
    His Wikipedia page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Maurer.
    Figure 9.
    Photograph of Dr. Bill Maurer
    . Source. Off-chain reference image for the ASCII art taken from his university home page: web.archive.org/web/20231109222608/https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/wmmaurer/
  • tx e35a9a198b77ece71272b66f94f9329184c6e4ee48e9e768e54ee8caf5d471fb, block 425758 (2016-08-18) via cryptograffiti.info has a dark one:
    6( O_O )
    6 `---`%
    which reads:
    Kill your children, set them free. 666. Evil bunny here to rule you.
  • tx eede99ab9b50aa5871fcb4b1d0d1a22ac2fa94b08172b1fa677f0b200e96f84a blk 437669 (2016-11-06):
        __  / __
       / * `'   \
       \        /
    APPLE BAKE '16
  • ____________________________________________________
    |                         AA                         |
    |                       AAAAAA                       |
    |                      AAAAAAAA                      |
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    |                 AAAAAA      AAAAAA                 |
    |                AAAAAA        AAAAAA                |
    |               AAAAAA          AAAAAA               |
    |              AAAAAA            AAAAAA              |
    |             AAAAAA              AAAAAA             |
    |            AAAAAAA              AAAAAAA            |
    |           AAAAAAA                AAAAAAA           |
    |          AAAAAAAA                AAAAAAAA          |
    |          AAAAAAAA                AAAAAAAA          |
    |         AAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAA         |
    |         AAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAA         |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
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    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    |        AAAAAAAAA                  AAAAAAAAA        |
    Code 4.
    Study Math and Computer Science at Augustana College
    Contains ASCII art of a large letter A. Has some custom encoding we didn't have the time to investigate which makes it deformed in our dumps, so we fixed it manually. The associated message reads:
    !Study Math and Computer Science at Augustana College!
    and so we understand that the ASCII art is formatted to look like the font of the logo of that university from Illinois.
    Figure 10.
    "Augie A"
    . Source. Off-chain reference image for the inscribed Code 4. "Study Math and Computer Science at Augustana College" typeface logo taken from the Augustana College website.
    Data Insertion in Bitcoin's Blockchain by Andrew Sward, Vecna OP_0 and Forrest Stonedahl is a paper published by some people of the university, presumably the culprits. This was brought to our attention via: twitter.com/ottosch_/status/1735297943563837726.
  • tx 12fba831eb6de8eb944e80e42c78d29cf05a833831a335a5711a4b61cf90802e (2018-04-06)
    Grishchuk Roman_____
    Gres Anna Leonidovna
    Married 01/04/2015__
    Found by Messages from the mines.
  • tx fd739c26276ea81fea8210939d527fccd7c9622f93aa17d18ee0bd5321387fde, block 517406 (2018-04-09) contains the first line of an ad from American stockbroker company TD Ameritrade. It is encoded one line per transaction with OP_RETURN, but the ordering is completely scrambled. A link is given: TDAmeritrade.com/Blockchain but it is 404 as of January 2024 of course, companies can't keep their pages up for more than 3 seconds, but there is an archive which decodes the indented picture for us, including the corresponding tx hashes for each line web.archive.org/web/20180902001329/https://www.tdameritrade.com/landing-pages/offer/blockchain/index.html?cid=TVTDACDDRTVJ64, here is a copy from the website because we were lazy to double check each line:
    .............See the full picture at TDAmeritrade.com/Blockchain................
    ........| | ....................\\..............................................
    ........| | .......................\\=========================..................
    ........| | ..................................................\\................
    ........| | ...................................................\\==========.....
    ........| | ...............................................................\\...
    ........| | ................................................................||..
    ........| |.................................................................||..
    ........| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................................||..
    ........| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................................||..
    ........| | X| .........\XX ....@ ..................* ..@ ..........@ ......||..
    ........| | XXX| @ XXX\  XX    @ @   @/@@@  @@  @/@ @ @@@ @/@  @@ @@@ .@@ ..||..
    ........| | XXX| @ XXXX| XX   @@@@@  @ @ @ @ /  @   @  @  @   @ @ @ @ @ / ..||..
    ........| | XXX| @ XXX/  XX  @@   @@ @ @ @  @@@ @   @  @, @    @@ @@@  @@@  ||..
    ........| | XXX| @      /XX ................................................||..
    ........| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................................||..
    ........| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................................||..
    ........| | ................................................................||..
    ........| | ................................................................||..
    ........| | ................................................................||..
    ........| | ................................................................||..
    ........| | ................................................................||..
    ........| | ................................................................||..
    ........| |===================== ...........................................||..
    ........| |.....................\\========== ...............................||..
    ........| |.................................\\==============================//..
    ........| |.....................................................................
    ........| |.....................................((((()))).......................
    ........| |...................................((((((())))).(((()))).............
    ....../ | |..................................(((((((((((()))))))))))))..........
    _____ ..| ( )...................................................................
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            | ( )..............(().(()..............................................
    _____\__| ( )............((((())))))............................................
    ........| |.............((((((()))))))..........................................
    ........| |.....................................................................
    ........| |.....................................................................
    ....MMMM| |MMMMM................................................................
    MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMM..............................................................
    MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMM...................................$.....................
    MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............................$$$$$$$..................
    MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....................$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.............
    MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..........
    MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM......$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
    MMMMMMMM| |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    \\\\\\\\| |\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    \\\\\\\\| |\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    \\\\\\\\\ /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    \\\\\ TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. copyright 2018 TD Ameritrade \\\\\
  • tx eda919b0a61b91c1fb030e6af314dfe5aaa6198416bfdaf8599d7f1a80c5d614, block 526446 (2018-06-07) starts an ASCII art spread across several transactions on different lines. Lines are completely scrambled, so either there is an index somewhere, or it was meant as a puzzle. This is the best we've managed to unscramble so far:
    At firs we thought it was some kind of tribute to the Cannes Film Festival, but given the string "Titanium" and the fact that all people mentioned on another section of the art work for advertisement companies, we understand that it is instead almost certainly about the "Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity", previously "International Advertising Festival", which has a "titanium" prize category, e.g. as mentioned at: www.thedrum.com/news/2018/06/22/cannes-lions-winners-titanium-glass-grand-prix-good-and-more:
    The highly coveted Titanium Lions - created to honor marketing work that doesn't fit neatly into traditional categories
    The part with the at signs '@' which we believe represents the lion is the hardest one and we've perhaps gotten some lines wrong, corrections are welcome.
  •                     `...:.
    ::::::,,,,,,,,...`+'''';;;'';;;;;` `````````````
    Code 5. . 2017-05-27 via cryptograffiti.info. A low resolution man and a woman hugging looking forward, signed "B&E April 9". The image /s repeated at: tx 47fafaa96c24d3f204658fb4bec34ab6f18df138084e04535ea60cce8c4e4857 without signature.
  • tx 79947c26f8abc8d5c2a9b5442005a5426f35f436119b3092f59e6fe3fad80df1, block 530614 (2018-07-05) has this lolcat:
    lolcat test |\---/|
                | o_o |
  • tx f8102999c0aaf7681deec383eb8e7946f093e94a116a21e367e9ed6b7c32d1fb (2018-08-23) contains the logo of the GrrCon, an annual cybersecurity conference with message:
    Your free GrrCon ticket
    The actual code appears to be:
    a reference to OP_RETURN. It is steganographically encoded diagonally across the skull's eyes. Ciro Santilli only saw this after grepping:
    grep @ data/out/0538.txt
    which made all non @ signs stand out due to the terminal's syntax highligh. This image was uploaded one line per transaction with a few interruptions that we removed manually, and there were was a previous partial attempt a bit before: at tx f8102999c0aaf7681deec383eb8e7946f093e94a116a21e367e9ed6b7c32d1fb so either a failure, or maybe it was intentional to obfuscate things a bit.
    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,          *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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    Code 6.
    Your free GrrCon ticket
    Without @s to better highlight the code:
                            YOUR FREE GRRCON TICKET CODE
                                      ,          *
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    .,                                                                         .,,
    |         An immutable poem             |
    |    Unchanging over time, forever      |
    |   Written in transactions flowing     |
    |                                       |
    |     Unbroken blocks for a Rose        |
    |     That I found in September         |
    |   Freedom gives this simple prose     |
    |     For all our time together         |
    |                                       |
    |      Thank you for being you          |O
    |    Like this poem, it is forever      |,
    |     After all these years true        |
    |      I love our time together         |
  • tx b8e80f2bd1eac8c6db4dfb8b6cc9c8eb71133cbc1a0d32e6952c1a2818eecc8f, block 652005 (2020-10-09) contains the obituary for Yang Yiping, a Christian Chinese lady who lived in Germany:
           |    |
           |    |
    .-====='    '=====-.
    |   Yang, Yiping   |
    *-====-.    .-====-*
           |   |
           | 杨 |
           |   |
           | 一 |
           | 平 |
           |   |
           |   |
        Yang, Yiping
          杨 一平
      ✰ 1957-07-19
      ✞ 2020-10-08
    Wir vermissen dich!
       ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
    • Wir vermissen dich: We miss you
    • 杨一平: Yang Yiping
    • 我们思念你: We miss you
    • 杨一平与耶稣在一起: Yang Yiping is with Jesus
    The link yang.yiping.de/btc is dead with no archives, but the toplevel yang.yiping.de survives as of 2024 and contais an obituary in a WordPress website. The Bitcoin message is acknowledged on the website at:
    archiviert auf der BTC Blockchain TX b8e80f2bd1eac8c6db4dfb8b6cc9c8eb71133cbc1a0d32e6952c1a2818eecc8f
    The website is also mirrored at yiping.de. The navigation is a bit confusing, but yang.yiping.de/?cat=10 contains a blog with many entries, presumably by her husband
    • the first post is from slightly before her death on 2020-09-01 and documents their 2019 trip to San Francisco apparently to visit family. She could be a COVID-19 casualty.
    • yang.yiping.de/?p=367 gives transliterated names of her three children: Kaibin, Ella and Martin
    • yang.yiping.de/?p=638 has some mentions of work colleagues, but not enough to easily identify where she worked
    Figure 13.
    Off-chain image of Yang Yiping
    . Source.
    A previous failed upload is present at: tx b4ba91b4892ff85a5eb18b85bc1fd744d9418b2a71f1dc130447893b9e1cab60, block 651974 (2020-10-09)
    The upload is done as P2PKH (20 bytes at a time) and is meant to show with newlines after each ouptut, BitLen style. It is also further broken down on our upload by the presence of UTF-8 characters. brando2131 helped decoded this message on Reddit, after Ciro Santilli reached out for help after seeing his work on the Code 9. "ZN inscription".
  • tx 0d034d6dc3cfa8c8ebb1df202ada251bdf890f9dd5f0c4dffbe185b8cc5c999d, block 669986 (2021-02-10) a teddy bear, also visible e.g. at www.asciiart.eu/toys/teddy-bears? "xoxo" means hugs and kisses. Maybe this was in preparation for St. Valentine's day a bit later on February 14th?
     ( Y )
    (_)-(_) xoxo, S
  • tx 7076d9a40b44e92d8b96f9f5f1cb258619356d0789fe5bcf5197e2eaeb2b9eab block 693550 (2021-07-31) contains what could be an obituary for a bird:
        | (
      / /)
    SO FAT
    and tx b478c2a3566fa644ccb3c9da567f39c9030e337537610c9ff5c5c885ea6109b8 block 693776 appears to follow up on it:
      _    _
    /and\/so \
    | (o><-) |
    \//\ /\\
      V_/ \_V
      `\ / '
  • tx 5c4f060e6166a530d891cafd0e9df42441d29b1ed9cff71a1652201b8d50bd72 (2021-10-27) TODO what does it represent? It seems so familiar... Decoded from our dumps with fold -w80 -s. It is encoded as a sequence of 43 OP_RETURN output scripts each containing 80 payload bytes each
               :d,                        ,do'                        ;d;
               :NNk;.                    .OWWk.                    .:OWK,
               '0MMWO:.            ...  .xWMMWd.  ..             .l0WMMk.
                dMMMMW0l.    .,coxO0Kd..oWMMMMNl .xK0kdl:,.    .oKWMMMWl
                 oWMMMMMMMXd'.'dXMMMNc ,0MMMMMMO. lWMMWKl..,xNMMMMMMMNc
                 .dNMMMMMMMMNx,..oXMMK; :XMMMMK; :XMWKc..;kNMMMMMMMMNl.
                   ;kNMMMMMMMMNk, 'kWM0' lNMMX: ,KMNd..:OWMMMMMMMMNx,
               .  '..,xNMMMMMMMMNd..oNMk..dNXo .OMXc .xNMMMMMMMMXd'.'' .'.
             ,ko..kXo'.,xXMMMMMMMWx..dWWd..;,..xWNl .OWMMMMMMMKo..,xNx..kO;
           .xNWo ,KMMXd,.'dXMMMMMMWl '0MNl    oNMO..dWMMMMMWKl..;kNMMO..xMNx'
       .;lx0XWMMNk,.'xNMMMMMWKd:,'.,'  dMMMMMMMWl  ',.',:dKWMMMMMNd..;OWMWNKkdl;.
     .coc,...,cokKKd..:KMMMNd. 'ldxd:. ,KMMMMMM0' .:dxdl' .dNMMW0; .okkoc;'..';coc.
     lNMMWXOxl:'..';,  ,0MWo   .',;::;. ;KMMMMK;  ,::;,'.   dWWk.  ....':ldOKNWMMN:
    '0MMMMMMMMMNKkdc;.  ;KX; ,xxdool;.   lWMMNl   .:loddkx, ;X0'
    .:lxOKNMMMMMMMMMMO.lWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXo. o0, .;loxkkx:.  .OMMO.  .:dxkkxo:. ;0c
    .kMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN:dXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXo  .c' ,c;'....',,. dMMd .;:,'....,:' ':.
    .dXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXl...................      dMMWNXXXNWK, lNNl ;XMWNXXXNWMd
     ...................xkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOl..c;  .xMMMMMMMMMN: cXXc :NMMMMMMMMMx.
    ;; .okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkdWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNc ,K0' .kMMMMMMMMMN: :KK: :NMMMMMMMMMk.
    'OWMMMMk. ,ol;'...,cox0XWx,;'...;cok0NWWd..xWMMMMMM0, ;0MMMMXd,...'..'cOWMMW0,
    cXMMMNo..oNMMMMMK, cNMMMNc ;XXx;..,:cc:,..;xKc ;XMMMMX: ;XMMMMMXl..xNMMMK,
     :XWO; 'kWMMMMMNl '0MMMM0' oWMMWKxlc::coxKWMMx..kMMMMMO. oWMMMMMNx..:KW0,
            .ld, ,OWMMMMMK; ...:kNMMMMMMMMMMMMMXx,..' .kMMMMMMWO, ,o:.
                '0MMMMMMNc 'O0l..,dXMMMMMMMMMXd'.,dXXc '0MMMMMMWO.
                 .ckXWMWd..kWMMXd,.'dXMMMMMNx'.,xNMMMK; ;KMMWKx:.
                    .:dl..dWMMMMMNx,.'xNWW0: .dNMMMMMMK; ;xo;.
                         .cxOKNWMMMNd..:oc. :KMMMMWNKkd,
                             .;lxOKXNk.    :XNX0kdc,.
  • tx 71d9187cbb7b00b4c516df218499bbc301996262cfafc4533fd7916af1fb6315, block 709632, (2021-11-14) starts a consecutive sequence of transactions that encodes the characters 'Z' and 'N', an ad for the Zenon Network blockchain. This is the very first taproot enabled block, foreshadowing the great inscription boom that taproot would lead to, notably in the form of ordinal ruleset inscriptions.
        ,zzzzzq;.           1zzzz,      
        ,zzzzzzzzq,         1zzzz,      
        ,zzzzzzzzzz1:       1zzzz,      
        ,zzzzq:1zzzzzq;.    1zzzz,      
        ,zzzzq  ,qzzzzzz1,  1zzzz,      
        ,zzzzq    .;qzzzzzq:1zzzz,      
        ,zzzzq       ,qzzzzzzzzzz,      
        ,zzzzq         .;qzzzzzzz,  
    Code 9.
    ZN inscription
    This ASCII art had been previously noted by sroose and decoded by brando2131 on Reddit, and was brought to our attention by Bagfoot OP446 on twitter. Ciro Santilli had previously spotted the art, but failed to decode it. "ZENON NETWORK" is inscribed just after the art confiming the meaning of the characters, but it does not appear in our ASCII dumps presumably because the string it is too short and surrounded by non-ASCII.
    Each line is encoded with OP_RETURN, is 38 bytes long, and starts and ends in 6 spaces, leading to 26 non-whitespace characters per line. The lines appear in scambled order and it is unclear if there is any logic in the ordering or if it was just meant as a little puzzle. But given the nearby "ZENON NETWORK" inscription, this decoding is overwhelmingly likely correct.
    The following lines also show up in our ASCII dump:
    They seem like Base64 encoded data due to the = sign padding, but nothing human readable comes out of them, so their meaning remains currently unknown.
  • tx cbf7cfb6c074e35e82ea604e2de6c82d00c168d7d7a1205383f93a6f40ee8520 (2022-01-24) ASCII typeface ad for Keepcase, some kind of Bitcoin hardware wallet. Manually converted to horizontal form to not take up too much space here.
    @@>                 @                   @.                  @,                  @'                  @;                  @^                  @''                 @:                  @>
             #          @   ###    ###*     @   ###########     @   ##########*     @   /###########    @   ###########*    @    /#########     @   ##########/     @   ###########/    \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
          #######       @   ###    ##       @   ###             @   ###.            @   ###    #####    @   ###/*           @   ###     *##     @   ####,           @   ####"           @///
      #####     #####   @   ########(       @   #########       @   ########        @   ##########.     @   ##<             @   ####### ###     @   *#########      @   #######         KEEPCASE : THE
    ###(   ####   ####  @   ###     ###.    @   ###\            @   ####            @   #####/          @   ###\.           @   ####### ##/     @        ####       @   ###_            ORIGINAL HARDWARE
    ###  ###  ###  ##   @   ###     ###\    @   ##########      @   #########/      @   ###/            @   \#########*     @   ###     #*      @  #########        @   ###########(    WALLET CASE
    ###  ##    ##
    ###  ###  ###   ##
    ###    ####   ####
      #####     ####*
    A bit later we see another ad for the same company:
    Figure 14.
    . tx 6ea24c417d60a1c5312ca8ec0ab44bbdba2d79d84ceffa4c9455e02f89831d7f (2022-01-24) contains a data URL for a JPEG image:
    /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@data:image/jpeg;base64,<base64 image> \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  • tx 3c9216146bf1d9415ded8a1d03dd63fae8f0af2cbcaf68efaff4ad654a45b74d (2022-06-08) tiny face. The --BEGIN TRIBUTE-- format is a call back to BitLen, but they just don't do ASCII art like the old days anymore:
    ---BEGIN  TRIBUTE---
    ----END   TRIBUTE---
  • tx 14e89fc01c367841f2d5c2786a3b051d67008be980694272530546a0452aeea9 (2022-07-05). ASCII typeface for:
    Chockchai Chawatcharaporn
    This seems to be aa Thai name, e.g. possibly www.linkedin.com/in/chokchai-thawatcharaporn-179398213/?originalSubdomain=th. And so we learn that Thai people are the coolest because their name can end in "-porn" which is awesome. The given name is:
    @   ###########*    @   ###    ###'     @    ########       @   ###    ###*     @   #########*      @   ###     ###"    @    /#########     @    ########/      @
    @   ###/*           @   ###    ###      @   ###    ###,     @   ###    ##       @   ##/*            @   ###     ###     @   ###     *##     @       ###.        @
    @   ##<             @   ##########      @   ###    ###]     @   ########(       @   ##(             @   ###########     @   ####### ###     @       ###,        @
    @   ###\.           @   ###    ###.     @   ###\   ###      @   ###     ##.     @   ##\             @   ###     ###.    @   ###     ##/     @       ###         @
    @   \#########*     @   ###    ###/     @    #######/       @   ###     ###\    @   ##########\     @   ###     ###/    @   ###     #*      @   /##########     @
    and the rest is just more of the same, just 10x longer. Manually converted to horizontal form to not take up too much space here.
Tip for ASCII art hunters:
grep -n -r '   ' . | sort
grep -n -r '@@@' . | sort
grep -n -r 'XXX' . | sort
grep -n -r '...' . | sort
Effortless effort Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli feels that all really important and productive activities come spontaneously, without being internally forced upon people.
You may say that this is because Ciro is lazy and irresponsible, but Bill thinks this isn't necessarily always bad:
I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.
This is yet another manifestation of YAGNI.
As another way to put it, Ciro has very little "self-discipline", and acts very heavily based on small passions that take hold of him. Related: high flying bird vs gophers.
You may also say that Ciro is an idealist, because what to do when the food will run out and you have to hunt? To which Jesus replies at Matthew 6:25-34 "Do Not Worry" (archive):
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you - you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Also closely related: man shall not live by bread alone.
Ciro is also fond of the description of the work method of Yukio Mishima presented in Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (TODO based on Mishima's self descriptions?). Ciro Santilli's father highlighted this to him, and Ciro had already watched that movie and thought it was amazing:
Every night I return to my desk precisely at midnight. I thoroughly analyze why I am attracted to a particular theme. I drag it into my conscious mind. I boil it into abstraction. I am constantly calculating until I sit down to write. Only then can my unconscious dreams take over.
This is perfectly complemented by him making tea, as if suggesting:
Don't rush the work. Just let it happen. Every day at midnight, I would boil a teapot of tea. I would watch the steam rise, and with it feel my consciousness deepen. Everything was pure silence. When the hand was ready, it would, by itself, pick up the brush, and writing would start.
Another good one is Hemingway's work method:
Always stop while you are going good and don't think about it or worry about it until you start to write the next day. That way your subconscious will work on it all the time. But if you think about it consciously or worry about it you will kill it and your brain will be tired before you start.
Ciro generally feels that many major developments in his life happened "by miracle", beyond his control. So when he saw the quote by Carl Jung:
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
Ciro tends to do major decisions in his life due to uncontrollable passion rather than logic.
Ciro believes that this is linked to his self perceived creative personality, Because Ciro gives in to such uncontrollable passions, this leads him to do things which are more unusual/creative, because other more logical people would write such options off as weird.
Another type of laziness Ciro is to blame for is passionately seeking instrumental goals rather than hard end goals, in order to reach the hard goals more effectively. This is well put in the quote apocryphallyref attribute to Abraham Lincoln:
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe
For example, whenever joining a new company, Ciro would first try to improve any exceedingly shitty systems, like the build system or test system, rather than doing whatever random task the manager felt like doing that week. He was somewhat fired for that actually. But in the end, if your infrastructure sucks, your project will fail, so better be fired early and go work on something that might succeed than later when the enterprise goes bankrupt.
Video 1.
Alan Watts' wuwei talk
. Source. During this talk, Alan quotes Jesus: Matthew 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.".
Video 2.
Alan Watts' "How to turn work into play" talk
. Source.
Video 3.
Don't Try - The Philosophy of Charles Bukowski by Pursuit of Wonder (2019)
Source. www.openculture.com/2013/02/dont_try_charles_bukowskis_concise_philosophy_of_art_and_life.html
We work too hard. We try too hard. Don’t try. Don’t work. It’s there. It’s been looking right at us, aching to kick out of the closed womb. There’s been too much direction. It’s all free, we needn’t be told. Classes? Classes are for asses. Writing a poem is as easy as beating your meat or drinking a bottle of beer.
Video 4.
Charles Bukowski Scandanavian TV interviews
. Source.
I think the magic moment is when you're walking around the house and you think: "Typewritter!". And I know, when I sit down, I never have any idea what I'm gonna write, there's nothing in my mind. And you walk in, you move toward it, and there it is, and things come out of it.
John the Baptist Updated +Created
A pre-Jesus-like figure, likely possibly a mentor or competitor with Jesus.
He would have deserved a scene in Jesus Christ Superstar (1973).
Reactions to cirosantilli.com's design Updated +Created
People love green on black mostly.
news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38492304 about Section "CIA 2010 covert communication websites":
  • user thewildginger:
    Nothing like finding a webpage you can read from Lynx.
  • user socketcluster:
    Based on the choice of fonts and colors, you know this is a serious hacker website ;p
At www.reddit.com/r/numberstations/comments/14dexiu/comment/jordtjc Reddit user Short_Ad_7853:
Jesus that is an interesting choice of colors
www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1brryao/ciro_santilli_received_a_1000_xmr_donation_to/ from 1000 Monero donation:
  • user -TrustyDwarf-:
    Anyone mind to explain wtf this ugly piece of webpage reminding me of geocities from the 90s is about? I'd read it myself but I can't because it already gave me eye cancer.
  • user rbrunner7:
    It's all quite strange. Never mind the 90s design, people built good websites already back then with the tools at hand, but even their "About" isn't very clear. If you need 5 minutes to be reasonably sure what it is all about they are still doing it wrong.
  • automobi1e
    I'd rather take a look at the welding
Saint Peter Updated +Created
Brother of andrew the Apostle, called by Jesus in fishers of men. Born Simon, but Jesus renamed him to Peter, thus the weird "Simon called Peter" way he is referred to as in some versions of the Bible.
The best quotes of all time Updated +Created
Ciro's best quotes selected by no one other than Ciro can be found at: Ciro Santilli's best random thoughts.
Jesus has some nice ones: Section "Quote by Jesus".
Related to technology:
The Man From Earth (2007) Updated +Created
Good theory of Jesus.
List of similar feeling films: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwYwFoanrNg 11 Underrated Hard Sci-fi Movies by Marvelous Videos (2021)
Transfiguration of Jesus Updated +Created
This is one of the most canonical examples of "Cult leader Jesus tries to divert faith from an old religion into his own".