www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVV0r6CmEsFw1phnddYWXtVkRW8eUVlqx Edward Teller interview by Web of Stories (1996) Date shown at: www.webofstories.com/play/edward.teller/1. Listener: John H. Nuckolls
Witnessing the test explosion Edward Teller interview by Web of Stories (1996)
Source. Edward Teller, An Early Time
. Source. Comissioned by the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1979. Producer: Mario Balibreraa.- youtu.be/Goim-4MF_uE?t=338; holy fuck he almost cut his foot off on a stupid tram accident!
- youtu.be/Goim-4MF_uE?t=457: he plays the piano
- youtu.be/Goim-4MF_uE?t=965: he drove Szilard to propose to Einstein the Einstein-Szilard letter
Publicly released documents from the Los Alamos National Laboratory are marked with this identifier. This is for example the case of each video on ther YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/@LosAlamosNationalLab. E.g. Video "Historic, unique Manhattan Project footage from Los Alamos by Los Alamos National Lab" is marked with "LA-UR 11-4449".
www.osti.gov/biblio/1372821 contains "How to Get an LA-UR: Using RASSTI to Release Your Work" which is of interest: permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-17-26023. That document documents the acronym's expansion, plus it leaks some internal-only URLs such as lasearch.lanl.gov/oppie/service.
TODO is there somewhere you can search for the document for a given identifier? Some PDFs are listed at: sgp.fas.org/othergov/doe/lanl/index2b.html
Founded partly due to the influence of Edward Teller who thought Los Alamos National Laboratory was not making good progress on thermonuclear weapons, large part of which was developed there.
Amazing talk by Richard Feynman that describes his experiences at Los Alamos National Laboratory while developing the first nuclear weapons.
Transcript: calteches.library.caltech.edu/34/3/FeynmanLosAlamos.htm Also included full text into Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman.
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY-u1qyRM5w&t=2881s describes the computing aspects. Particularly interesting is the quote about how they used the typist secretary pool to emulate the IBM machines and debug their programs before the machines had arrived. This is exactly analogous to what is done in 2020 in the semiconductor industry, where slower models are used to estimate how future algorithms will run in future hardware.
Los Alamos From Below by Richard Feynman (1975)
Source. Los Alamos Laboratory was the name of the Los Alamos National Laboratory site during the Manhattan Project, before it was renamed to Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Historian Alan B. Carr:
- www.youtube.com/@AlanBCarr. IMPORTANT NOTE: Although Alan B. Carr is a Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) employee, this page has absolutely no formal connection with LANL.
Production is fully concentrated at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States as of 2020. TODO was it ever made anywhere else?
Plutonium Metal Preparation by Los Alamos National Laboratory
. Source. Describes conversion from Plutonium nitrate to a plutonium metal slab, which is then sent to final pit.The only one on GitHub. In RST and renders to HTML with image formulas.
Too "direct formula overload" at first look.
By the creator of SymPy, who works at Los Alamos National Laboratory and has a PhD in chemical physics: swww.linkedin.com/in/ondřej-čertík-064b355b/ Man, big kudos to this dude.