- experimentalhistory.substack.com/p/the-rise-and-fall-of-peer-review The rise and fall of peer review by Adam Mastroianni (2022)
One of the most beautiful things is how they paywall even public domain works. E.g. here: www.nature.com/articles/119558a0 was published in 1927, and is therefore in the public domain as of 2023. But it is of course just paywalled as usual throughout 2023. There is zero incentive for them to open anything up.
What they don't tell you about academic publishing by Andy Stapleton (2021)
Source. The publishing scandal happening right now by Andy Stapleton (2023)
Source. TOOD get the name of the academic who quit.Apparently there were biweekly reports, that were grouped and published biannually on January and July, each one with a sequential tome number.
For example, both Marie Curie's Polonium paper and Marie Curie's Radium paper were published in the second half of 1898 and fell in tome 127.
Public domain publication list: archive.org/search?query=comptes+rendus+academie+des+sciences&sort=-date&and%5B%5D=collection%3A%22pub_comptes-rendus-hebdomadaires-academie-des-sciences%22 but some years are randomly missing like 1898?
OK from here you can find all of them more clearly: www.academie-sciences.fr/en/Transmettre-les-connaissances/comptes-rendus-de-l-academie-des-sciences-numerisees-sur-le-site-de-la-bibliotheque-nationale-de-france.html
TODO how to download a PDF from? I can't even turn the pages...
Subtle is the Lord by Abraham Pais (1982) mentions that this has a good summary of the atomic theory evidence that was present at the time, and which had become basically indisputable at or soon after that date.
On Wikimedia Commons since it is now public domain in most countries: commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Perrin,_Jean_-_Les_Atomes,_F%C3%A9lix_Alcan,_1913.djvu
An English translation from 1916 by English chemist Dalziel Llewellyn Hammick on the Internet Archive, also on the public domain: archive.org/details/atoms00hammgoog
On the Relative Motion of the Earth and the Luminiferous Ether Updated 2025-02-26 +Created 1970-01-01
This paper is in the public domain and people have uploaded it e.g. to glorious Wikisource: en.wikisource.org/wiki/On_the_Relative_Motion_of_the_Earth_and_the_Luminiferous_Ether including its amazing illustrations.
v3 LaTeX source code: github.com/OperaMagistris/Opera_Magistris_English_v3
Very unfortunate license "public domain license" with a "non religious" clause, whatever the fuck that is, which completely defeats the point of a public domain declaration:
The source code and text is under Public License and therefore can be used, translated and distributed at free will.It is only banned to use the text and content for religious propaganda.
This paper appears to calculate the Schrödinger equation solution for the hydrogen atom.
TODO is this the original paper on the Schrödinger equation?
Published on Annalen der Physik in 1926.
Open access in German at: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/andp.19263840404 which gives volume 384, Issue 4, Pages 361-376. Kudos to Wiley for that. E.g. Nature did not have similar policies as of 2023.
This paper may have fallen into the public domain in the US in 2022! On the Internet Archive we can see scans of the journal that contains it at: ia903403.us.archive.org/29/items/sim_annalen-der-physik_1926_79_contents/sim_annalen-der-physik_1926_79_contents.pdf. Ciro Santilli extracted just the paper to: commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3AQuantisierung_als_Eigenwertproblem.pdf. It is not as well processed as the Wiley one, but it is of 100% guaranteed clean public domain provenance! TODO: hmmm, it may be public domain in the USA but not Germany, where 70 years after author deaths rules, and Schrodinger died in 1961, so it may be up to 2031 in that country... messy stuff. There's also the question of wether copyright is was tranferred to AdP at publication or not.
An early English translation present at Collected Papers On Wave Mechanics by Deans (1928).
Contains formulas such as the Schrödinger equation solution for the hydrogen atom (1''):where:
In order for there to be numerical agreement, must have the value
, are the charge and mass of the electron