Exobrain Updated +Created
Alternatives Updated +Created
These are websites that offer somewhat overlapping services, many of which served inspirations, and why we think something different is needed to achieve our goals.
Notably, OurBigBook is the result of Ciro Santilli's experiences with:
OurBigBook could be seen as a cross between those three websites.
Quick mentions:
Static website-only alternatives:
Xah Lee Updated +Created
fuseki.net/home/List-of-Patreon-Subs-with-Justification.html describes him well:
Outsider, formerly homeless, extreme person interested in CS and culture. Self-publishes a website with thousands of tutorial / opinion pages. Possibly similar to Sam Sloan - extremely productive, wide interests, obsessive, and pretty disagreeable.
Homepage xahlee.org/ says:
Siphon my knowledge into your brain. Assimilate my sensibilities to your spine.
Nice Second brain vibe.
Figure 1.
Xah Lee with some weird statuettes of himself
. Source. 2019.
Let's see: