OpenStreetMap Updated +Created
It is rare to find a project with such a ridiculously high importance over funding ratio.
E.g., as of 2020, their help login shows MyOpenID as an option, which was discontinued in 2014, and not Google OAuth.
They do still seem to have a bit more activity than on Stack Exchange.
All of this is a shame, because they do have some incredible data that you cannot find easily on other maps because people just edited it up.
Suikoden Updated +Created
This game (1 or 2, can't remember) made an impression on Ciro Santilli for some reason.
Only many many years after playing it, after Ciro started getting more interested, did he learn that it was actually an adaptation of the Chinese mega-classic Water Margin.
"Suikoden" is the actual Japenese transliteration for the Chinese name of the original Water Margin novel.
The game puts great emphasis on the concept of the 108 Stars of Destiny, which never left Ciro's mind: making 108 allies, the main collectible of the game, allows you to make a more powerful alliance, and unlock better endings.