Classification of closed surfaces Updated +Created
So simple!! You can either:
  • cut two holes and glue a handle. This is easy to visualize as it can be embedded in : you just get a Torus, then a double torus, and so on
  • cut a single hole and glue a Möbius strip in it. Keep in mind that this is possible because the Möbius strip has a single boundary just like the hole you just cut. This leads to another infinite family that starts with:
A handle cancels out a Möbius strip, so adding one of each does not lead to a new object.
You can glue a Mobius strip into a single hole in dimension larger than 3! And it gives you a Klein bottle!
Intuitively speaking, they can be sees as the smooth surfaces in N-dimensional space (called an embedding), such that deforming them is allowed. 4-dimensions is enough to embed cover all the cases: 3 is not enough because of the Klein bottle and family.
Classification of finite fields Updated +Created
There's exactly one field per prime power, so all we need to specify a field is give its order, notated e.g. as .
Every element of a finite field satisfies .
It is interesting to compare this result philosophically with the classification of finite groups: fields are more constrained as they have to have two operations, and this leads to a much simpler classification!
Classification of finite rings Updated +Created
accounts for them all, which we know how to do due to the classification of finite fields.
So we see that the classification is quite simple, much like the classification of finite fields, and in strict opposition to the classification of finite simple groups (not to mention the 2023 lack of classification for non simple finite groups!)
Classification of finite simple groups Updated +Created
Ciro Santilli is very fond of this result: the beauty of mathematics.
How can so much complexity come out from so few rules?
How can the proof be so long (thousands of papers)?? Surprise!!
And to top if all off, the awesomely named monster group could have a relationship with string theory via the monstrous moonshine?
The classification contains:
Video 1.
Simple Groups - Abstract Algebra by Socratica (2018)
Source. Good quick overview.
Classification of regular polytopes Updated +Created
The 3D regular convex polyhedrons are super famous, have the name: Platonic solid, and have been known since antiquity. In particular, there are only 5 of them.
The counts per dimension are:
Table 1.
Number of regular polytopes per dimension
The cool thing is that the 3 that exist in 5+ dimensions are all of one of the three families:Then, the 2 3D missing ones have 4D analogues and the sixth one in 4D does not have a 3D analogue: the 24-cell. Yes, this is the kind of irregular stuff Ciro Santilli lives for.
Classification of simple Lie groups Updated +Created
Frobenius theorem (real division algebras) Updated +Created
Generalized Poincaré conjecture Updated +Created
There are two cases:
  • (topological) manifolds
  • differential manifolds
Questions: are all compact manifolds / differential manifolds homotopic / diffeomorphic to the sphere in that dimension?
  • for topological manifolds: this is a generalization of the Poincaré conjecture.
    Original problem posed, for topological manifolds.
    Last to be proven, only the 4-differential manifold case missing as of 2013.
    Even the truth for all was proven in the 60's!
    Why is low dimension harder than high dimension?? Surprise!
    AKA: classification of compact 3-manifolds. The result turned out to be even simpler than compact 2-manifolds: there is only one, and it is equal to the 3-sphere.
    For dimension two, we know there are infinitely many: classification of closed surfaces
  • for differential manifolds:
    Not true in general. First counter example is . Surprise: what is special about the number 7!?
    Counter examples are called exotic spheres.
    Totally unpredictable count table:
    DimensionSmooth types
    is an open problem, there could even be infinitely many. Again, why are things more complicated in lower dimensions??