Baldassarre Boncompagni 1970-01-01
Doubly labeled water 1970-01-01
Eduardo R. Caianiello 1970-01-01
Entanglement-assisted stabilizer formalism 1970-01-01
Ferdinando Gliozzi 1970-01-01
Digital image correlation and tracking 1970-01-01
Mononuclidic element 1970-01-01
Schur complement 1970-01-01
Laura Toti Rigatelli 1970-01-01
Linear subspace 1970-01-01
Niccolò Guicciardini 1970-01-01
Ettore Bortolotti 1970-01-01
Eugenio Bianchi 1970-01-01
Forensic engineering 1970-01-01
List of comets discovered by the LINEAR project 1970-01-01
List of Mercury-crossing minor planets 1970-01-01
Ultrafast scanning electron microscopy 1970-01-01
Franco Cacialli 1970-01-01
Rosalyn Sussman Yalow 1970-01-01
Umberto Bottazzini 1970-01-01