Ionization energy 1970-01-01
Molecular propeller 1970-01-01
Molecular sensor 1970-01-01
Zinc finger protein 613 1970-01-01
Molecular shuttle 1970-01-01
Zinc finger protein 839 1970-01-01
Catalan's minimal surface 1970-01-01
Caustic (mathematics) 1970-01-01
Center of mass 1970-01-01
Motor proteins 1970-01-01
Nucleic acid secondary structure 1970-01-01
Vibronic coupling 1970-01-01
Vicinal (chemistry) 1970-01-01
Bent's rule 1970-01-01
Bond softening 1970-01-01
Calculus of moving surfaces 1970-01-01
Calibrated geometry 1970-01-01
Force field (chemistry) 1970-01-01
Gaussian orbital 1970-01-01
Viral transformation 1970-01-01