Initial algebra 1970-01-01
Injective cogenerator 1970-01-01
Injective object 1970-01-01
Inserter category 1970-01-01
Internal category 1970-01-01
Isbell conjugacy 1970-01-01
Isomorphism-closed subcategory 1970-01-01
Kan extension 1970-01-01
Karoubi envelope 1970-01-01
Kernel (category theory) 1970-01-01
Krohn–Rhodes theory 1970-01-01
Krull–Schmidt category 1970-01-01
Lax functor 1970-01-01
Lax natural transformation 1970-01-01
Lift (mathematics) 1970-01-01
Lifting property 1970-01-01
Limit and colimit of presheaves 1970-01-01
List of types of functions 1970-01-01
Localization of a category 1970-01-01
Localizing subcategory 1970-01-01