Quotient category 1970-01-01
Quotient of an abelian category 1970-01-01
Refinement (category theory) 1970-01-01
Section (category theory) 1970-01-01
Segal category 1970-01-01
Segal space 1970-01-01
Semiautomaton 1970-01-01
Sieve (category theory) 1970-01-01
Simplicial localization 1970-01-01
Simplicially enriched category 1970-01-01
Skeleton (category theory) 1970-01-01
Sketch (mathematics) 1970-01-01
Spherical category 1970-01-01
Stable model category 1970-01-01
Stack (mathematics) 1970-01-01
Subcategory 1970-01-01
Subterminal object 1970-01-01
Symplectic category 1970-01-01
T-structure 1970-01-01
Timeline of category theory and related mathematics 1970-01-01