Lone pair 1970-01-01
Low-barrier hydrogen bond 1970-01-01
Mesomeric effect 1970-01-01
Metallic bonding 1970-01-01
Metallophilic interaction 1970-01-01
Metal–ligand multiple bond 1970-01-01
Molecular orbital diagram 1970-01-01
Molecular orbital theory 1970-01-01
Morse potential 1970-01-01
Multi-state modeling of biomolecules 1970-01-01
Nascent state (chemistry) 1970-01-01
Network covalent bonding 1970-01-01
Non-bonding electron 1970-01-01
Non-bonding orbital 1970-01-01
Non-covalent interaction 1970-01-01
Non-covalent interactions index 1970-01-01
Non-innocent ligand 1970-01-01
Octet rule 1970-01-01
Pauling's principle of electroneutrality 1970-01-01
Peptide bond 1970-01-01