Documentary television series about mathematics 1970-01-01
Mathematical humor 1970-01-01
Mathematics-related topics in popular culture 1970-01-01
Mathematics and mysticism 1970-01-01
Mathematics awards 1970-01-01
Mathematics conferences 1970-01-01
Mathematics organizations 1970-01-01
A Disappearing Number 1970-01-01
Arcadia (play) 1970-01-01
Ethnocomputing 1970-01-01
Gauss's Pythagorean right triangle proposal 1970-01-01
Im schwarzen Walfisch zu Askalon 1970-01-01
Jorge Luis Borges and mathematics 1970-01-01
Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship 1970-01-01
Math rock 1970-01-01
Mathematical knowledge management 1970-01-01
Mathematical maturity 1970-01-01
Mathematics and God 1970-01-01
Mathematics and architecture 1970-01-01
Possible Worlds (play) 1970-01-01