Mathematical Correspondent 1970-01-01
Mathematical Geosciences 1970-01-01
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 1970-01-01
Mathematical Notes 1970-01-01
Mathematical Programming 1970-01-01
Mathematical Reviews 1970-01-01
Mathematical Social Sciences 1970-01-01
Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids 1970-01-01
Mathematics (journal) 1970-01-01
Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 1970-01-01
Mathematics of Computation 1970-01-01
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 1970-01-01
Mathematika 1970-01-01
Mathematische Annalen 1970-01-01
Mathematische Nachrichten 1970-01-01
Mathematische Zeitschrift 1970-01-01
Mathesis (journal) 1970-01-01
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1970-01-01
Messenger of Mathematics 1970-01-01