The hard part then is how to make any predictions from it:
- 2024 Fly-brain connectome helps to make predictions about neural activity. Summary of "Connectome-constrained networks predict neural activity across the fly visual system" by J. K. Lappalainen et. al.
2024: Largest brain map ever reveals fruit fly's neurons in exquisite detail
As of 2022, it had been almost fully decoded by post mortem connectome extraction with microtome!!! 135k neurons.
- 2021 Why Scientists Have Spent Years Mapping This Creature’s Brain by New York Times
That article mentions the humongous paper "A connectome of the Drosophila central complex reveals network motifs suitable for flexible navigation and context-dependent action selection" by a group from Janelia Research Campus. THe paper is so large that it makes eLife hang.
Research consortium investigating the drosophila connectome.
The Neurokernel Project aims to build an open software platform for the emulation of the entire brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster on multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).
- The quest to map the mouse brain by Diana Kwon (2023)
A Simulated Mouse Brain in a Virtual Mouse Body by Human Brain Project (2015)
Source. Nice brain-in-the-loop.Grouping their mouse brain projcts here.
Tutorial: Allen Developing Mouse Brain by Allen Institute (2014)
Source. Ciro Santilli feels it is not for his generation though, and that is one of the philosophical things that saddens him the most in this world.
On the other hand, Ciro's playing with the Linux kernel and other complex software which no single human can every fully understand cheer him up a bit. But still, the high level view, that we can have...
For now, Ciro's 2D reinforcement learning games.
- 1: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu frontale
- 2: Ventriculus lateralis, Pars centralis
- 3: Calcar avis
- 4: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu occipitale
- 5: Trigonum collaterale
- 6: Eminentia collateralis
- 7: Hippocampus
- 8: Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu temporale
- 9: Capsula interna
- 10: Nucleus caudatus
By cranks:
- has some diagrams. It is unclear how they were obtained, except that they were made over the course of 5 years by a "Space Shuttle Engineer", classic crank appeal to authority. The author belives that brain function is evidence of intelligent design.
- 86 billion:
- 1,000 trillion
The part of the cerebral cortex that is not the neocortex.
Some believe this to be a fundamental unit of the human brain. omg some amazing things there. overreached it seems.
Almost since it began, however, the HBP has drawn criticism. The project did not achieve its goal of simulating the whole human brain — an aim that many scientists regarded as far-fetched in the first place. It changed direction several times, and its scientific output became “fragmented and mosaic-like”, says HBP member Yves Frégnac
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