As of 2020's, it is basically a cheap/slow/simple CPU used in embedded system applications.
It is interpreted. It actually implements a Python (-like ?) interpreter that can run on a microcontroller. See e.g.: Compile MicroPython code for Micro Bit locally.
As a result, it is both very convenient, as it does not require a C toolchain to build for, but also very slow and produces larger images.
The first thing you must understand is the Classic RISC pipeline with a concrete example.
The good:
- slick UI! But very hard to read characters, they're way too small.
- attempts to show state diffs with a flash. But it goes by too fast, would be better if it were more permanent
- Reverse debugging
The bad:
The good:
- Reverse debugging
- circuit diagram
The bad:
- Clunky UI
- circuit diagram doesn't show any state??
Basically a synonym for central processing unit nowadays:
The hole point of Intel SGX is to allow users to be certain that a certain code was executed in a remove server that they rent but don't own, like AWS. Even if AWS wanted to be malicious, they would still not be able to modify your read your input, output nor modify the program.
The way this seems to work is as follows.
Each chip has its own unique private key embedded in the chip. There is no way for software to read that private key, only the hardware can read it, and Intel does not know that private key, only the corrsponding public one. The entire safety of the system relies on this key never ever leaking to anybody, even if they have the CPU in their hands. A big question is if there are physical forensic methods, e.g. using electron microscopes, that would allow this key to be identified.
Then, using that private key, you can create enclaves.
Once you have an enclave, you can load a certain code to run into the enclave.
Then, non-secure users can give inputs to that enclave, and as an output, they get not only the output result, but also a public key certificate based on the internal private key.
This certificates states:and that can then be verified online on Intel's website, since they keep a list of public keys. This service is called attestation.
- given input X
- program Y
- produced output Z
So, if the certificate is verified, you can be certain that a your input was ran by a specific code.
- you can public key encrypt your input to the enclave with the public key, and then ask the enclave to send output back encrypted to your key. This way the hardware owner cannot read neither the input not the output
- all data stored on RAM is encrypted by the enclave, to prevent attacks that rely on using a modified RAM that logs data
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